A Killing Game?

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I plan to have it switch from legoshis killing game to this one after each trail. I hope its not too confusing.

Aikas pov

I woke up In a locker. I slowly opened it to find I was in some kind of school. The locker door next to me opened revealing my twin sister aiko.

"I'm so glad your here too" I said hugging her close.

"yeah glad to see you too sis" she said patting me on the head. We were basically identical as most twins were. We had the same long black hair with red tips and the same red eyes. The only difference is that aiko wears a cap like the tomboy she is! I happen to be the ultimate school president while aiko is the ultimate delinquent. I wonder if there's other ultimates here?

"where is this place?" aiko asked.

"don't know but we should probably look around" I opened the door and what was waiting for me was a room full of students!

"hey guys I think these two are the last ones" a curly black haired girl said.

"great then we should introduce ourselves and figure out what the hell we're going to do!" a tuff guy in a leather jacket said.

"ok who would like to start!" a red head in a suit asked.

"why don't we start with the two lovely ladies that just walked in" a blonde boy with tan skin said.

"why I oughta-"

"hi my name is aika and this is my twin sister aiko" I said cutting my angry sister off.


"I'm going to kick your ass!" I held her back.

"hehe well I'm sora siroma I'm the ultimate surfer."

"oh me next!" a small blonde girl in a blue puffy dress said "my names Alice wonder I'm the ultimate illustrater"

"oh my ultimates similar" a boy with curly black hair with a French hat said shyly "my name is Paris de France and I am the ultimate artist. I am not from here so my English may not be very good. I apologise"

"your English is pretty good to me" the red head said reassuringly "my names mai yuka I'm the ultimate performer"

"I guess it's my turn huh?" the guy in the leather jacket said "I'm yuuya yasuhiro the ultimate biker."

"I guess it's my turn" a blonde girl with silver eyes and formal clothing said shyly "I'm Rita nara I'm the ultimate therapist"

"ok I'm up!" a guy with brown hair in a race track uniform said confidently "raioku tashis my name race trackings my game!"

"so your the ultimate race tracker" aiko said rolling her eyes.




"ok my turn!" a girl with spiky brown hair and red goggles on her eyes said excitedly "I'm karu dinamite I'm the ultimate bomb detonater" man talk about being born for the job!

"my turn" the black haired girl said "well I can't really remember my name but I do know I'm the ultimate photographer"

"how do you know your ultimate but not your name" aiko said accusingly

"I don't know I must be panicking but I'm come to me eventually" that's kinda suspicious.

"ok my turn" a black haired girl with a red bow holding it together said "I'm may de angalo and I'm the ultimate fashion designer."

"ok my turn" a guy in punk rock clothing and rocking a pony tail said "I'm kiba yagami the ultimate drummer"

"I'm I up? OK!" a small white haired boy with one purple and one yellow eye wearing a skeleton hoodie said a little distantly "I'm hitori amuo I'm the ultimate ghost whisperer"

"I'm Jim yuta the ultimate occultist" a boy with black hair and bangs that covered one red eye said in a bored tone.

"oh really? Dude we should totally be best friends!" hitori said excitedly. Jim sighed in annoyance.

"alright guess It's my turn" a boy with dark hair and a tophat said "I'm Mark Lee the ultimate butler"

"alright is everyone aqented?" we looked up to see a black and white bear grinning at us "good! Then let the killing game begin!"


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