Kung-fu Training

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Hanakos pov

I was standing under a cherry blossom tree with a boy that looked like Tenya? But he looked younger. Five maybe?

"I love you hanako! When we're older I'm going to marry you" he giggled.

"aww but then I'll have to be a housewife!" younger me whined.

"I'll do all the work I promise! Just please marry me!" he begged.

"hehe ok"

"yay!" he cheered hugging me.

I woke up from the bizarre dream/memory. Why was tenya there? Did we know each other before this? I should talk to him about this.

Time skip

"hee yaa! Thanks for joining me in this sparring lesson! It's always a good idea to have some self defence under your belt" I went to talk to tenya about my dream but somehow got ropped into a sparring lesson.

"you ok? You look kinda pale. I didn't go too hard on you did I?" he asked worriedly.

"no I'm fine it's just last night I saw another memory and you were in it"

"oh I was? What was I doing in it?"

I turned red "Well we were kids and you were asking me to marry you"

Tenya burst out laughing. "I was? Man that's embarrassing. Kids are so dumb"

"hehe yeah" I laughed feeling a little better. Tenyas so easy to be around. There's no doubt about it that we used to be good friends.

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