Cinema Trip

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Kokichis pov

Today sayaka and her class are going to spend the night at a love hotel. This is the first time sayaka spent a night away from home and considering the fact that dad's rarely home it's been pretty lonely. Eventually I couldn't take the loneliness anymore and texted himiko.

Me: hey himiko I'm lonely do you want to go out to the cinema with me? Tenko can come too.

Himiko: sounds fun I'll ask tenko.

A few minutes later

Himiko: tenko doing akido training so she can't come. I guess it will be just be you and me.

Me: yep! See you at five.

Himiko: it's a date.

My face heated up at those words. No it's not a date! We're just hanging out as friends! I sighed and got ready.

I walked to the cinema and saw himiko standing out there with a red blouse and skirt. Man she's looks so cu- no kokichi that's bad!

"do you want to go in?" himiko asked.

"Umm sure" I said walking her in.

Himiko of course wanted to watch the newest Harry Potter movie fantastic beasts and where to find them. I wasn't too interested but I figured it would be rude to say no when she agreed to hang out with me. We bought the tickets, popcorn and drinks and headed into the movies.

The movie was actually a lot better than I thought it would be. It held my attention throughout the whole movie and himiko and me left the cinema satisfied.

"thanks for taking me out kokichi that was a lot of fun" himiko smiled.

"no problem. I should be thanking you actually! I was all alone before you agreed to hang out with me."

"do you not like being alone kokichi?" himiko asked.

I sighed "my old parents used to lock me in my room so they wouldn't have to bother with me so I've grown a fear of being alone"

"oh kokichi I'm so sorry" himiko said pityfully. I hate pity.

"it's fine! I have a great new family and I'm happy. It's just some scars never fade you know."

She nodded and took my hand "do you want me to stay the night?"

My eyes widened. "you'd really do that?"

"of course! Anything for a friend! I just have to call my parents and tell them I'm staying with a friend"

*Back at home*

Me and himiko had a great time at home. We ate chocolate mouse, read comics and himiko even insisted on sleeping in the same bed as me! It was embarrassing at first but after a while it felt natural.

"hey kokichi do you mind if I ask you something personal " himiko asked.

"sure go ahead" I replied

"where are you real parents now?"

"I don't know. They threw me out into the streets when I was five. They said I was the biggest mistake of their life and they didn't want me anymore" I felt like crying. The way my parents treated me still scars me to this day.

Himiko looked at me with determined eyes "well that's their loss cause your a great person and I'm proud to call you my friend."

I smiled at her "thanks himiko"

Himiko ended up falling asleep on my chest. I felt my heart flutter. Maybe Leon and sayaka were right. Maybe I am in love.

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