A Picture Of Dispair

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Aikos pov

We all took our places at the stands. Everyone was convinced that karu was killed by the bomb but that's just the Killers trap! I need to prove that she was definitely murdered!

"is there any point in having a class trail? It's pretty clear that Monokumas bomb killed her" raioku said.

"how could you accused me? I'm so cute!" Monokuma argued.

"your anything but!" Alice yelled.

"I think he's right though" I said.

"eh? You think he's cute!?" raioku exclaimed.

"no! I mean his bomb didn't kill her. It was a totally fake!"

Everyone gasped

"what are you talking about? The bomb was obviously real! Your lying!" Alice yelled.

"now now she's not lying she's just confused!" raioku defended me.

"no I'm telling the truth and I can prove it" I declared.

"alright then prove it" Yuuya said.

"Well to start it off the killer used these flash granades and sound granades to mimic the explosion of a bomb" I explained.

"granades! Where did the killer get that?" rita asked turning pale.

"oh I gave it to them since they asked so nicely" Monokuma confessed.

"we should have known" mystery girl muttered.

"I'd say this whole thing was planed between the killer and monokuma. It was never a motive I was a planned murder!" I said feeling angry at myself for not noticing it sooner.

"but then what really killed her?" Mai asked.

"I found a stab wound near her heart. Her death would have been almost instant." I replied

"that's bullshit!"Alice yelled. "if the bomb was completely fake then why was the body burnt up!"

"that's simple. Gasoline"

"gasoline!?" Yuuya yelled.

"yep once we were distracted by the flash and sound grenades the killer stabbed karu, poured gasoline over her, lit her on fire and put the fire out before the flash grenade wore off. It was all the Killers trap to get us to believe that the bomb killed her!"

"you don't know if it was gasoline!" Alice said sweating bullets.

"actually I do! Mai showed me a red container that smelled of gasoline plus its the only way the body could have caught fire so fast. I also have a good mind to suspect you Alice!"

"me!" she said turning pale.

"you've been so defensive about the bomb being fake. Why is that?"

"because its stupid! Everything you're saying is stupid!" she yelled.

"that's your best defense?" I said rolling her eyes.

"Well is it yours?" she argued "you're saying I'm guilty simply cos I'm acting suspicious. Do you have any concrete proof?"

"she's got a point Aiko" Rita said timidly.

"oh don't worry. I have proof"

"y-you do?" Alice stuttered.

"mystery girl took photos right before the fake bomb went off and in those photos you changed positions. There was no reason for you to have done that unless you were planning a murder!"

She didn't say a word. She just stood there shaking as if she was trying to hold in tears.

"alright guys its voting time" Monokuma cut in.

We voted for Alice and it came out right.

"why did you kill her" raioku said tearfully "she was your friend damnit!"

"that's why I killed her! I didn't want to put her through some awful execution like the rest of you" I guess it makes sense when you put it that way but it doesn't change the fact that you murder her in cold blood.

"then why kill anyone at all?" rita asked tearfully.

"because I wasn't going to wait around to die!" Alice yelled "it was only a matter of time before it happened. I'm small and weak. I practically scream victim! So I decided I'd kill before someone before someone killed me but I guess I'm going to die anyway. Come on Monokuma let's get it over with!"

"alrighty! Let's give it everything we got iiiits punishment Time!"

Alice was place in what looked like a pop-out book. a large Monokuma turned to the next page causing Alice to jump for her life. The next page had a pop-out title that said.

Alice wonders punishment
Pop-out peril

Monokuma flipped from page to page. Each page Alice was attacked by something new. Cannons, knights wilding swords, wild animals, a blond guy with a rusty crowbar. Eventually the girl didn't have the strength to keep running and fell to her knees. The large Monokuma closed the book. Squishing her to death.

At the end of it all I just felt tired. Raioku tried to motivate us but I was too tired to listen. We walked to the elevator in silence with a new feeling of Dispair in our chests.

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