The Loss Of A Lover

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Aikos pov

We were given food at last! And we all took our places at the stands once again. I understand that everyone was desperate to get out but Yuuya was a good guy and killing him like that was just... Wrong! I'll find Yuuyas killer and avenge his death!

"ok so it's pretty clear that Yuuya was stabbed to death but how?" may asked "There were plenty of weapons here but not knifes"

"probably cause there's no kitchen" Mai whined.

"oh please! I fed you didn't I? So quit your yapping!" Monokuma yelled irritated.

"Yuuya always carried a pocket knife with him didn't he?" rita spoke up "I bet the killer stole his pocket knife and stabbed him with it!"

"no I don't believe that's the case" I muttered.

"so how do you think it went Aiko?" raioku asked.

"Well judging by the two pocket knives left at the crime scene I'd say that Yuuya and the killer had a fight, a fight that Yuuya lost"

Everyone was silent for a bit.

"so how are we supposed to find the masked killer?" Mai asked.

A masked killer? The more I think about it the more it doesn't make sense.

"guys I don't think there was ever a masked killer"

Everyone gasped.

"what do you mean there was never a masked killer?" rita said in disbelief.

"think about it. Yuuya was a strong guy, there's no way any one of us could come away from a fight with him without a scratch. Which means the killer would have to be someone with several inj-" I stopped. No I don't want to come to this conclusion again! Raioku nodded with a smile as if he was saying its ok. Just like she did.

"raioku you lied to me didn't you? You were the one who killed Yuuya"

He chuckled sadly "I knew you'd figured it out Aiko! Your so good at these things"

"alright kids it's voting time! Time for you to pick the blackened!"

We picked raioku and got it right. I was shaking at this point. Why did it have to be him!

"why?" I whimpered

His face turned serious "I promised I'd get you out of here and I always keep my promises" so another person killed for my sake. Damnit "I contacted Yuuya with this letter" he pulled out a letter from his pocket "once he arrived I told Yuuya that I was going to kill him so that everyone else can escape. He agreed to this but said he wasn't going to go down without a fight and that whoever wins our knife fight would become the blackened. I somehow managed to win and that how I'm standing here with you"

"you dumbass I would have rather staved to death then have this happen" I yelled tears streaming down my face "because.. Because I don't want to send another person I love to their death!"

"Aiko" he walked over to me and gently placed a kiss on my lips "there! A little parting gift so you'll never forget me" I burst into tears and hugged him.

"aww now doesn't everyone love a tragic romance story? Anyway on to the punishment!"

"no please!" I begged.

"it's ok aiko" raioku was crying at this point too. I can't imagine how scared he must be "I'll always be with you right here" he pointed to my heart "so no need to miss me! Just you focus on surviving k!"

"okay" I muttered through my tears.

"let's give it everything we've got iiiits punishment Time"

"I love you Aiko! So please never give up!"

Raioku was placed inside a formula one car, handcuffed to the steering wheel and a bomb was scraped to the back of the car. On the score board it read.

Raioku tashis punishment                 raiokus final race 

He had to finish the race before the timer ran out. He went at full speed and I prayed for him. He kept going, even when branches and other crap hit him in the face he didn't slow down. He was doing great until Monokuma put spicks on the ground busting his tyres. He desperately tryed to get the car moving but to no avail and the bomb blew up, killing him instantly.

Before I even had time to mourn my dead lover strange gas filled the room knocking us all out.

Just a random question which protagonist do you prefer Aiko or legoshis I'm pretty curious 😊

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