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Aikos pov

I walked into the dining hall with rita who was given me a quick therapy session.

"it's not your fault aiko if you didn't solve the case then we all would have died"

"I know but sending people to their deaths isn't getting easier"

"of course it's not but you are doing amazing and you're a real hero in my eyes so don't put yourself down" she smiled sweetly. God I'm lucky to be trapped with someone like her. I think I would have gone crazy if I didn't have someone to talk to like this.

Speaking of going crazy once we walked into the dining hall we saw hitori standing there with dark circles under his eyes. Poor kid probably didn't sleep a wink last night.

"hey hitori you look tired. Wanna go back to bed?"


"I really think you should hitori a lack of sleep isn't a good thing" rita insisted.

"............" he stayed silent. He kept staring off into the distance like he couldn't even hear me.

"hey raioku can you take hitori to bed?" I asked

"oh sure thing!" he took hitori by the hand and gently lead him out of the dining hall. For such a hyper buy he's surprisingly gentle.

This went on for a couple of days and hitoris condition only seemed to get worse. He wasn't sleeping and he was even starving himself. I could see his cheekbones and it was scaring the shit out of me!

So I discided to take actions into my own hands. Rita helped me a lot with her therapy when akia died so maybe she could help hitori too. I asked her and she agreed since she was also worried about him. She took him to her room and several hours later they came back and hitori actually sat down and ate a meal.

"I even got him to take a nap which was kinda hard since he was having awful Nightmares" rita said.

"ah rita your a miracle worker!" I yelled pulling her into a hug.

"it was nothing really!" she said blushing in embarrassment.

Maybe things will be okay after all.

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