Double Death In The Dormatories

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Legoshis pov

We been stuck in this dormitory for three days and everyone's starving. We looked everywhere and couldn't find a single exit. Seems we really have to kill to escape but no one would do that right? After all that would break our promise.

Suddenly I heard a loud bang. Strange I thought everyone was too drained of energy to move what are they doing making loud bangs? I sighed and got up to check it out.

I opened the door which I barely had had any strength to do and discovered that the loud bang was a dumbbell and it had fallen on the head of taro yammataro!

Aikos pov

I lay in bed feeling tired of all this shit. I haven't felt this drained of energy since my sister died and I wouldn't leave the room but at least then my depressed mind to numb the pain. Here I can feel every hunger pain and its driving me insane! Raioku said he'd find us a way out of here but I doubt even that dumbass could pull th-

My thoughts were cut off by a loud scream. It was raioku! I ran towards the scream despite my tried body begging me to stop. I found him in the hallway badly injured.

"raioku are you OK!?" I asked my worry getting the better of me.

"shit Aiko didn't mean to make you worry" he tried to stand up but I pushed him back down.

"sit down dumbass and tell me what happened!"

"I got attacked by a masked person. I guess people are more desperate to escape then I thought. Yuuya held them back while I ran like a cowered. I hope he's alright"

I didn't even think. I just ran over and swung open the doors... To find Yuuya bloody corpes on the floor.

Legoshis pov

I couldn't believe what I was looking at. Sure I was never too fond of the guy but he definitely didn't deserve to die in such an awful way!

Kiyo was already inspecting the body. "he was definitely killed by the surujin."

"what's a surujin?" I asked

"it's a weapon. You tie a strong piece of rope to a weight and throw it at your intended victim. A blow to the head from that thing can be fatal"

"ah I see" something about that rope is strange though.


I inspected the rope and noticed that the end was cut. That strange, you wouldn't need to cut the rope if you were using it as a throwing weapon.


I noticed something hanging from the ceiling. I looked up and saw a piece of rope tied to a hook. This just keeps getting stranger!


"legoshi" Kiyo tapped me on the shoulder "it's time for the trail"

I nodded "okay I'll catch up with you in a minute" he nodded and left. I stared down at taros lifeless corpes.

"I'll find out who killed you taro I promise" I said a small prayer and followed the others to the trail room.

Aikos pov

Yuuya was dead. Another murder has taken place. I knew this was going to happen so why am I so surprised!? Get a hold of yourself Aiko! You gotta solve this case no one else will!

After scolding myself for a bit I got down and inspected Yuuyas body. He was stabbed multiple times in the chest, arms and neck with a pocket knife. Shit what an awful way to go.


I saw a mask next to him. That must have been from the masked attacker.


I then noticed that Yuuya was holding a pocket knife along with the pocket knife on the ground. He must have fought his attacker. I guess a guy like that wouldn't go down without a fight.


"Aiko Monokuma what's us in the trail ground" may yelled.

"Well Monokuma can wait" I muttered. She looked annoyed when I said that. What's her problem? Whatever let's just get this shit over with. Monokuma better have some food for us too I'm starving.

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