Cold Blooded Killer

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Hanakos pov

We all took our places at the stands once again. I knew who the killer was without a shadow of a doubt. The only thing I had to do now is prove it.

"so we don't need to do this trail right?" Tenya said suddenly "I mean izuku hung himself and nesko died from some kind of desese. Why else would he have vomited blood! So we can just vote for them and be done with it!" he sounded hopeful. I understood how he felt. I didn't want to condemn anyone to death either but I afraid we have to do it.

" I sorry tenya but it was definitely murder"

"huh? How can you be so sure?" kimari asked.

"Well to start thing off the Monokuma file stats both causes of death as unknown" I explained.

"Well maybe Monokuma said that cause he wanted to hide the fact that they were suicides" token argued.

"that's a good point but I agree with hanako" hinata spoke up "after all izukus rope marks looked more like strangulation rather than hanging"

"and what about neskos death?" sataro asked "how do you explain the vomited blood?"

"simple. He was poisoned" hinata said.

Everyone gasped.

"and looking at neskos death I think we can easily say who the killer is"

"we can?" kimari said in disbelief.

"yes. It was you wasn't it karu!" I yelled pointing at the girl.

"huh? Me?" karu said tearfully "why would you accuse me!?"

"nesko died at 9:15am. The poison available to us is a slow acting poison that takes an hour to kill. Taking that into consideration he must have taken the poison around breakfast time" I explained

"that would make sense but how does this link karu to his murder?" konaki asked.

"don't you remember? Karu gave nesko a drink around that time. If anyone had a chance to poison him it would be you!"

"this is crazy! Why would I kill my own cousin!" karu argue

"I can answer that" hinata spoke up "nesko with his ultimate doctors title could have easily proven that izuku didn't hang himself. You knew this and that's why you killed him!"

Karu let out a sad laugh "you got me. I suggest we get on with the voting"

We voted for karu and got it right.

"I don't understand" token said shakenly "why would you kill him? He was family so why did you do it!"

"because I couldn't let you find out my sin!" she screamed.

"your sin?" kimari questioned

"your talking about the secrets aren't you" hinata said.

She let out a shakey laugh "that damn video reminded me of what I'd done. Of how I'd let my suicidal friend kill herself just because I didn't care enough! I still had to repent for my sin so I couldn't afford to die here. No matter what I had to sacrifice"

"to hell with all of that!" token yelled "you sacrificed two boys for your mistakes!? You selfish, rotting-" he was calmed down by kimari placing a hand on his shoulder.

"alright its the moment you've all been waiting for! Let's give it everything we've got iiiiits punishment Time!"

Karu was placed in a neat looking home with a baby cot in front of her. On the baby cot were the words

Karu tsunamis punishment
Babysitting peral

Karu peeked into the baby cot. The baby was facing away from her but when it turned around it had a Monokuma face and sharp teeth! It jumped on her tearing cunks of felsh off her body. The punishment ended with the baby tearing her throat out.

I didn't even have the energy to fell sad. Three people had died today. Is it only a matter of time before we're next?

Kokichis pov

I was looking out the window feeling miserable.

"hey kokichi. How are you holding up?" I turned to see nagisia giving me a friendly smile. It feels like only yesterday he was a eleven year old boy who hated adults but now he's forty-one years old with a family of his own. It's funny how the world works out.

"I'm not too bad just worried is all"

He gave me a simpathetic look "I can't imagine what you're going through but If hanakos anything like you then she'll be just fine"

I smiled at him "thanks nagisia. I really needed to hear that"

"no problem. Now let's get a drink I have a feeling you need one!"

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