The Mastermind Is...

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Kokichis pov


The small green haired grinned at us. "yep it's little old me!"

"but how? Future fondation had you under maximum security!" mokoto said.

"oh I talked one of your future Fondation buddies into letting me out. Once I showed her how wonderful Dispair is she was more than happy to let me out!"

"who was it" byakuya said angrily.

"sorry I can't tell you! She's long gone anyway!" Monika giggled.

"we'll look in it later Byakuya for now we have to focus on this" kyoko said calmly.

"oh you didn't think it was over did you?" Monika asked with a sadistic grin. She pulled out a small button. "I've planted many bombs in the building. Once I press this botton the whole building will explode. without future Fondation the world will fall into dispair again and that is worth giving my life up for."

She was about to press the trigger but then a gunshot rang out and monika dropped the button. Someone shot monika! We turned around to see.....

" nagisa!?"

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