A New Start

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Aikos pov

I opened my eyes weakly. Its been three days since my sister had been executed and I have eaten, drank or left the room since. Starving to death was painful but not nearly as painful as losing my other half. The others had tried to convince me to leave but I didn't listen. I didn't want to face a world without her.

Right now I was holding a pair of sisours in my hand considering if I should kill myself or not. If I die then I'll cause trouble for the others but I'll die soon anyway at the rate I'm going. What to do what to do.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a knock at the door "aiko I'd like to talk to you" mystery girl? "I know I'm not the best person to talk to you. I can't remember anything about myself never mind relate to what you're going through but let me ask you this. What would aika what you to do? If I remember correctly she wanted you to live on and survive the killing game. Knowing that will you continue to starve yourself in there?"

Her words touched me deeply. Without hesitation I picked up the sisours and cut my hair at a sign of a new beginning and opened the door. I immediately collapsed into her arms as I had no strength left. She immediately picked me up. "Damn mystery girl sure is strong" I thought as everything went black.

I woke up to the taste of delicious food on my tongue. Everyone  surrounded me worriedly while Mystery girl was spoonfeeding me.

"your awake Aiko! I like your hair by the way" raioku said grinning at me.

"thanks dumbass"

"hey!" he yelled but he didn't sound angry he sounded relieved.

Rita teared up and hugged me. They all seemed so happy that I was alright. Maybe this new life won't be so bad.

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