Motive Time!

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Hanakos pov

I sighed. I was standing in the gymnasium for yet another Motive to kill our friends. I was so sick of this! Not to mention I'm still struggling with my memories.

"are you excited for the motive guys" Monokuma asked. None of us answered. We just glared at him.

"jeez tough crowd" Monokuma muttered "anyway this motives grate! Your going to love it!"

"like hell we will! Now just tell us what it is!" token said getting irritated.

"fine fine! Here just look at these photos." he handed us each a photo. My photo had all the people from my dream in it. They all looked so happy. I wish I could properly remember them.

"see the people in those photos. Well if another killing doesn't happen in Twenty-four hours then I'll brutally murder them" he let out an insane laugh and left.

Everyone was left in a state of shock. How could we not be? We have to choose between the lives of the people in the photos or the lives of our classmates. What's the right choice in this situation!?

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