Birth And Death

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Kokichis pov

I woke up next to himiko. She looked so cute when she slept. I kissed her on the forehead. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled. "morning kichi"

"morning" I grinned.

"want to get some breakfast? My mum makes some great pancakes!"


We went downstairs to the kitchen and sure enough she was making pancake.

"morning dear" himikos mother greeted us "sit down for some pancakes"

We sat down and ate some pancake and man were they tasty!

"everything seems to have calm down" himikos father said.

"then I should get going. My sister gave birth last night and I'd like to meet my nephew" I explained.

"can I come?" himiko asked.

"Umm sure if it's ok with your parents" I said looking at them nervously. They both nodded in agreement. I took himikos hand and lead her to the hospital.

We asked for the room number and walked to the door. We saw Leon holding a blue haired baby and sayaka sitting in bed looking tired but happy to see me.

"congratulations sayaka" I said giving my sister a hug.

"thanks sweetie I'm so glad you're safe" sayaka said hugging me back.

"your baby is really cute" himiko said.

"thanks kid" leon grinned "we've heard a lot about you. Kokichi really cares about you."

"I care about him too" himiko smiled. My heart fluttered. God I love this girl.

"himiko kokichi cares about you so don't go breaking his heart ok?" sayaka said going protective big sis mode.

"I won't I promise" himiko swore.

Everything was peaceful until sayaka spoke. "I haven't heard from daddy yet. I've been ringing him for ages and he won't pick up."

I started to panic a little "I go check on him. He probably fell asleep at the desk again."

"I'll come with you" himiko said taking my hand.

We walked to my house and knocked on the door. No answer. A feeling of dread came over me as I slowly opened the door. As soon as I walked into the hallway I saw it. My adopted father, the man who took me in when no one else would! Was laying dead with his eyes gouged out and his intestines laying on the floor. There's no doubt about it. He had been brutally murdered.

I fell to my knees and started crying. I couldn't stop looking at him. Himiko pulled me into her chest so I didn't have to look at him but the image was forever burned into my mind. I knew then that life as I know it will never be the same.

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