Monika Plan

615 13 4

Tokos pov

We made it up to the kids base using big bang Monokuma. I had to carry kokichi all the way there but he was pretty light so I didn't mind. He had stopped crying and just lay his head gently on my shoulder. I ran my fingers through his hair. I wonder what I would be like to have a little brother. Would my life had been better if I had a younger sibling to share it with? I can't help but think like that when I hear him talk about sayaka in such a loving way. I wonder-

"toko? Are you ok?" Kamaru asked.

"yeah I'm fine" I replied.

"hold on to your seats girls we're going through the window" haji yelled.

"wait what!?"

We crashed through the window and stranding before us was a green haired girl. Kamaru and haji turned pale when she saw her.

"your standing!?" she yelped.

"oh look at that I am!" she giggled "Big bro I'm glad you could make it" she said looking at haji.

"damn brat!" he growled.

"anyway you want this controller right? Here you go!" she threw Kamaru the controller "if you break it then the Monokumas will shut down!"

"then why would you give it to us!" I said suspiciously

"because not only will the Monokumas shut down the children's heads will also explode! And monika want to do that to start a war!"

"that's sick" himiko said turning pale.

"I want to start a war that will bring worldwide dispare! Then big sis junko will be very happy! Now break the controller Kamaru!"

"no! There's no way I'd do that!" Kamaru said in shock.

"then maybe you need some encouraging" two kids came in with a large TV. The TV lit up showing the battered body of a man and a woman.

"mom? Dad?" Kamaru sobbed. I saw something dark in her eyes. "fine! You want me to break this stupid controller I'll break it!"

I can't let her do this. I can't let my best friend fall to dispair! I ran over and grabbed the controller out of her hands.

"what? Why are you -"

"I won't let you do this Kamaru! Your my best friend strach that you're my only friend! I won't let you fall to dispair I won't!"

"toko" her eyes filled up with tears. She ran over and hugged me. For once I didn't mind. I was just gald she's back to normal.

Suddenly a future fondation helicopter landed.

"what! hey no fair! No future fondation are allowed. Hey kotoko bring the hostage out!"

No one came to her aid.

"guys?" monikas voice became a frightened sqeck.

"you don't have anyone to back you up anymore. Now give me masters key before I hurt you" I growled.

She handed me the key pouting. Future fondation put the little brat in cuffs and took her away.

I skipped happily with Kamaru knowing that I'd soon see my beautiful masters face!

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