The Killers Dark Past

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Legoshis pov

We all took our places at the stands once again. I didn't want to do this again but it seems that fate doesn't care what we want. Let's just do this.

"so we should start with the cause of death first right?" hitaro said in a unsure tone.

"she was killed by a slit throat woof that much should have been obvious" riku said irritated

"good observation riku your so smart!" madori said.

"thanks" the boy said blushing again.

"so if her throat was slit then the knife was used right?" madori continued.

"actually her cut was jagged so it was more likely cut with broken glass." kiyo explained.

"broken glass? Where would the killer get that?" kaido asked.

"the back doors window was broken. The killer probably got it from there." I said

"but why would they use glass when they had a perfectly good knife with them?" dalya asked

"Well one look at aois body suggests that she got into a struggle with her attacker."

"your talking about the injuries she suffered right?" mayu asked

"my guess is that the killer planned to use the knife but it got knocked away in the fight and she was forced to use the broken glass"

"may I suggest a quick way to resolve this" taro piped up. Oh this can't be good!

"I don't know If I trust you"

"aww don't be like that!" taro giggled "I promise it will help speed up the trail"

I rolled my eyes "fine! What's your suggestion?"

"Well you know how you said that the whole glass thing was a last minute thing? Well in that case their hands should be covered in cuts by the glass. So if we just get everyone to show us their hands then we should know who the killer is!"

That's... Actually a pretty good idea. "alright guys everyone show your hands in three.. Two.. One!"

Everyone showed their hands and the only person with cuts was... Madori!

"Madori your the killer?" oda said in disbelief.

"grr don't you dare point the finger at madori woof!" riku said defensively "madoris the nicest person in the world. Much nicer than most people. There's no way she'd kill anyone!"

"rikus right! Madori cut in "besides kiyos the real killer and I can prove it!"


She pulled out the note "this is the note that lured her to the dining hall and it has your signature on it!"

"no the killer wrote that"

"a likely story"

He was about to say something back when I placed my hand on his shoulder "kiyo I will get you out of this but you need to calm down"

He sighed "okay I trust you"

I turned to madori "the cuts isn't the only prove we have against you"

"grr why do you keep accusing her? Your really looking to get bit aren't you?" riku growled. I'm sorry riku but if we want to live then we have to take her down.

"those tracks in the blood. There's nothing we could wheel in the school except for your roller skates which I've noticed your not wearing. Why is that?"

She let out a sad chuckle "okay you got me!"

"what do you mean they got you?" riku asked trembling slightly.

"sorry baby boy but it's all true. Maybe this is the best outcome though. I don't think I could handle watching you die. Now shall we start with the voting?"

We nodded and hesitantly voted for our friend.

"you guessed right! The killer this time round is madori sato!"

"why madori?" riku sobbed clinging to her "your so nice. Why would you kill anyone?"

"cause I couldn't let anyone see that video" she whispered

"what video madori" kiyo asked "please I deserve to know why you killed aoi"

She sighed "I grew up in a poor neighbourhood with cops who didn't care about you unless you had money. One day my brother was  beated senseless for food he didn't even steal! In self defence he killed the cop but no one would have taken the word of a couple of street rats like us so mom told the cops that she killed him and they executed her but that tape! That tape shows how it really went down! His life would be ruined if anyone saw it and mothers sacrifice would have been for nothing! That's why I did it. I'm sorry everyone."

We were stunned into silence. So she did this to protect her little brother. So once again this was Monokumas fault. Damn him!

"riku" she bent down to rikus hight and hugged him "I want you to try and become friendly with everyone here. There all good people you can trust them."

"alright it time for the moment you've been waiting for punishment Time!"

Madori looked panicked but she gave riku a brave smile "I'm sorry I have to leave hunny but your going to be alright. You'll survive I promise!"

"let's give it everything we got itssss punishment Time!"

"I love you"

Madori was place on a ramp with a sign above her that said

Madori satos execution
Non stop trill ride!

Monokuma got behind her and pushed her down the ramp. She was forced to keep going until she got inpailed by the spick wall.


Rikus sad sobs echoed through my skull. I want this to stop. Why won't it stop! I had no answer for that. I could only feel Dispair.

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