Motive Tapes

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Aikos pov

We walked into the RV room where there were tapes with our names on them.

"alright kids I got a surprise for you all! Now why don't you take one of those tapes"

"like hell we will!" I yelled "it will just lead to another killing! I refuse!"

"oh dear do I have to make you into a example miss haruno" Monokuma said giggling like the eval basturd he is.

"no need we'll do it! What's the worst that could happen" raioku said grabbing a tape. Grr reakless idiot! Oh well we'll just have to watch it and hope for the best. I went for the tape but Monokuma stopped me.

"you know your sister gave up her life for you and you just throw it away at every given opportunity. You must really hate her huh?"

I felt angry boil up inside me and went to punch him but rita held me back.

"aiko he's just trying to get to you don't listen to him" rita said gently. I took a deep breath, gave the bear the middle finger and walked off with the tape.

I put the tape in and it showed that time I broke a window in middle school. I always felt guilty about that one since aika took the blame for me to avoid me getting expelled. She ended up missing her show that she worked on for months too. I teared up a bit. She was always looking out for me huh? Even when we were kids. I wonder how this is supposed to be a Motive? I guess it's different for everyone. Either way we should definitely keep our guard up.

I spent the night with rita since I couldn't sleep alone thanks to the nightmares. She's such a good friend. I do anything to avoid putting her in danger in the killing game again.

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