Free Time

59 1 5

Legoshis pov

Since I had some time left I decided to hang out with someone. I decided to start with oda so I could see how he's holding up. I found him in the library reading manga.

"still reading those mangas bud?" I said taking a seat next to him.

"yeah the story just seems to be getting dumber as I go on. I don't understand why mom finds them so appealing" he sighed.

"I guess there's some things we'll never understand about our family for example my uncle kokichi has an addiction to a weird drink called panta though I think it's the grossest thing in the world"

"I guess even though we're related we still have different likes and dislikes" oda giggled.

"hehe yeah so what would you rather be doing?" I asked.

"oh around this time I would like to be hacking into some kind of network not to do anything illegal but just for the challenge" oda explained.

"that could be pretty useful right now. Too bad there's no computers"

Oda sat up suddenly "maybe there is something I can do. Legoshi! I always feel more confident when I'm around you so thank you for that"

"Umm no problem pal" I said feeling confused by his sudden actions.

"I'm going to help everyone so please keep motivating me legoshi!" he yelled as he ran off. I wonder where he ran off to all of a sudden.

The next person I decided to hang out with was dalya since we haven't talked much since we arrived here. I found him at kiyos door.

"is kiyo not talking"

Dalya sighed "he still blames himself for what happened but its not his fault!"

"you know what kiyos like he takes things hard. How about you and me hang out for a bit and leave kiyo alone" he reluctantly agreed.

The two of us got a snack in the kitchen and ate together.

"he's worrying me ya know" dalya said suddenly. "we were raised as brothers. We're supposed to talk to each other whenever we're feeling down. This is the first time he's ever shut down like this"

"Well this is the first time we had to deal with death. We were too young to remember the tragedy so it really is new territory to us. There's no logic to this madness and that probably scares him but he'll be alright. He's my best friend and he's your brother. We both know he can pull through this!"

"yeah your right no use worrying about this shit" he said scratching his head in embarrassment "thank for getting my head straight legoshi"

"no problem man!"

We finished our snacks and checked in for an early night sleep.

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