A Night At Himikos

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Kokichis pov

We ran into himiko house and slam the the door shut. We both collapsed against the door panting heavily.

"Himiko? Baby is that you" we looked up to see and long haired women and a balding man in tears.

"mommy! Daddy!" himiko ran up and hugged them while I was frozen in place. I'm meeting himikos parents already!?

"oh sweetheart I'm so happy you're safe" himikos mother said holding her close. She looked over at me and smiled.

"you must be the young boy my daughters dating" I stood up quickly.

"yes my names kokichi mizono it's nice to meet you!"

"Poor child you must be awfully afraid. Come here dear I won't bite"

I walked over to her and she pet me on the head. "your such a cute little thing! And here I was afraid that my daughter was dating a rebal"

I blushed a little "that wouldn't be me. I actually sing for a living"

"oh your an artist how wonderful!"

Himikos father came in from bolting the windows and gave me a serious look "kid it would probably be best if you stayed the night here. It's gone to hell out there."

"ok if I'm doing that can I ring my sister and tell her I'm ok?"

"of course you can sweetie" himikos mom said. I bowed politely and went into the next room to call her.

"hello" Leon picked up the phone. Worst case scenarios began playing in my mind.

"Leon wheres sayaka?" I asked anxiously.

"oh she went into labour a couple of hours ago. We just had a baby boy who we named legoshi. Thank god we got her in before everything went to hell"

My heart fluttered. The babys been born! I'm a uncle!

"say you ok kid? You didn't get hurt out there did you?" Leon asked in a serious tone.

"no I'm ok. I'm actually staying the night at himikos house"

"that's good. Sayaka will be relieved to hear your ok."

"I can't wait to meet legoshi"

"yeah well if its safe you can come up but if its not stay where you are you hear me!?"

"yeah I hear you. Goodbye big bro."

"bye kid" he hung up.

I walked back into the living room where himikos father was placing a blanket on the couch.

"what are you doing daddy?" himiko asked.

"I'm making a bed for your boyfriend dear" he replied.

"no daddy kokichi afraid of being alone so he has so sleep with me!" himiko insisted.

"heavens no! There's no way I'm going to let my baby girl sleep with a strange man!"

"now dear if the boy afraid of being alone then maybe it's best if they at least share a room." himiko mother said.

He looked at me with a serious expression "son if you try anything with my girl you'll regret it understand?"

"I understand sir" I said bowing respectfully.

Me and himiko went to bed but with everything that was going on outside I doubt we would sleep tonight.

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