Strange School

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Legoshis pov

I woke up In a locker. I banged on it a couple of times before before falling out. "I guess it wasn't locked" I said feeling embarrassed. OK legoshi calm down and think things through. Well my names legoshi kuwata I'm sixteen years old and attending hopes peak under the title of ultimate actor. I was standing in class went I felt dizzy? Ahh that doesn't make sense!

My thoughts were cut off by a spiky haired boy coming out of the locker. Wait! That's no ordinary spiky haired boy that's-

"kiyo!" I greeted my friend

"ah legoshi your also in this predicament." kiyo said as serious as always.

"yeah I didn't know you were a ultimate" I said surprised.

"yes I'm the ultimate lawyer" he replied.

"ah I guess that makes sense seeing as you so law abiding"

"there's nothing wrong with following the rules!" kiyo argued

"whatever. We should find out where the hell we are"

I opened the door and as soon as I did I saw a room full of teenagers just like me.

"they seem to be our classmates" kiyo whispered "it would probably be best if we introduced ourselves to our fellow prisoner's." I nodded.

The first to come up to us was... Dayla and oda!

"dalya! I'm glad to see your alright" kiyo said hugging his brother.

"you two kid" he said ruffling his hair.

"wait a minute you guys are also ultimate!"

"yep I'm the ultimate daredevil" dalya said proudly

"and I'm the ultimate hacker" oda said slyly.

I nodded "well I should probably get talking to everyone else bye guys"


I walked around for a bit until I saw a girl who looked fermillier. Wait!

"holy shit cala!" the brown haired girl turned around and smiled.

"legoshi! Your a ultimate too?"

"yeah it feels like everyone I know is a ultimate!"

"hehe well I'm the ultimate pianist"

"wow so you became the best at the thing you love most! That's pretty cool!"

"hehe thanks"

I blushed a little bit and was about to say more when a girl on roller skates literally crashed into us.

"wow sorry these things are hard to control sometimes" she scratched her head looking embarrassed. The girl had one red eye and one pink eye and her hair was pink on one side and purple on the other. Her hair was held up in curly pigtails.

"hi! My names madori sato I'm the ultimate skater!"

I waved still a little shoken up from the crash.

"Well see you around!" she got on her feet and skated

"I should get going too" cala said walking off.

I guess that means I should get back to introductions. I decided to talk to what looked like a high-school couple. The boy had white hair with cristal blue eyes and a rose in his pocket. The girl had brown hair with bangs that covered one eye. The one eye that was visible was gray.

"hey sorry to interrupt I was wondering if you could tell me who you are" I asked.

"sure thing" the boy spoke up "I'm kaido kazami the ultimate flowest (he's a flower arranger) and this beautiful lady is maya susumoto the ultimate caretaker"

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