A Brand New Killing Game

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Kokichis pov

Me and himiko were sitting in the cafeteria with Kamaru and toko. Ever since the towa city massacre the four of us had become pretty close. Toko had even become super protective of me ever since my panic attack. With makoto and toko I finally starting to realise to have overprotective parents!

"okay guys I brought us some delicious muffins" Kamaru said handing us each a chocolate chip muffin "no need to thank me!"

"mmm yummy" himiko said biting into one.

"yep and takkaki even  gave me a discount! Isn't he amazing!"

Oh yeah takkaki was hired by the future fondation since they believe his knowledge as a police officer could be useful. He even works in the cafeteria sometimes which is why we were able to get a discount. I gald. The poor guy deserves a break from all this despair.

Toko and haji also became future fondation members since they managed to stop monika and the other kids. They're considering hiring me, himiko and Kamaru but aren't sure yet since we're technically kids.

Life was peaceful though. Kamaru was even gaining feelings for that miko kid! But of course nothing can ever stay peaceful.

The show that was on suddenly cut off and was replaced with danganrompa.


No not again!

The show started but the contestants this time were.... My own classmates!

Monokuma popped up laughing.

"what the hell is this!?" kaito yelled.

"why it's a killing game of course" Monokuma said in a cherry voice.

"a killing game!?" Tenko yelped.

No Tenko

Not my friend!

"yes indeed! Now is everyone here... Well I guess not everyone. There were two of your classmates that were just out of my reach."

He's talking about us!

"oh well I guess they'll just have to watch!"

It was at this point that himiko bolted out of the cafeteria.

"himiko wait" I ran after her and grabbed her by the wrist.

"let go of me!" himiko said beating my chest with her free hand.

"no! You have to listen to me!"

"I don't want to listen! I just want this nightmare to end!"

"I know! I want that too himi but everything's going to be OK! Future Fondations going to get everyone out of there and tenko will be ok till then. She's so strong after all!"

Himiko stopped hitting me and sank to her knees. I got down with her and pulled her into a hug.

We cryed into each others arms feeling helpless once again.

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