Tenkos Pep Talk

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Kokichis pov

Me and tenko sat alone under the cherry blossom tree. Himiko was too freaked out by what she heard on the news to come in.

Honestly I would've stayed at home too but sayaka insisted on coming in and there's no way I would let her go in alone! Especially when she's pregnant! In fact I didn't leave her side until leon promised that he would protect her.

I missed himiko but now's a good time to get to know tenko better.

"hey tenko"


"can I ask you kind of a personal question?"

"sure go ahead"

"why do you hate men?"

She froze for a second then turned to me with a serious expression. "you need to promise not to tell anyone!"

"I won't! I know you'd beat me up if I did!"

She chuckled a little then looked to the side sadly "when I was younger I was sexsully harassed by a much older man so I've grown to hate them"

I looked at her in shock. That's an awful thing to go through. No wonder she hates men!

"my sensai took me in and train me in self defence so I never had to go through that again!" she looked like she was about to cry. I had to cheer her up somehow.

"tenko I am so sorry. If it makes you feel better I've also been mentally scared"


"yeah my parents used to lock me in the bedroom so I've grown a fear of being alone." tenko slowly pulled me into a hug.

"that's why I'm so glad I made friends with you as well as himiko. I don't think I would have been able to handle being in this creepy school."

"speaking of himiko when are you going to stop being such a cowered!"

"huh?" was all I could say at her sudden hostility.

"it's clear that you like her and she likes you back so why aren't you making a move!?"

"Well you like himiko and I don't want to hurt you" I said truthfully.

"don't give me that" tenko snapped. She then looked down sadly "it's true that I like himiko but I want her to be happy and she wouldn't be happy with me. I trust you kokichi I trust that you'd take care of her"

My heart stopped. She trusts me? That gives me more than enough confidence to ask her out!

"so you gonna do it?"

"yes! Thank you tenko I'm going to do it right now!" I ran off to text himiko.

Tenkos pov

I felt tears run down my cheeks as he ran off. I did the right thing. I made sure himiko would be happy.

So why does it hurt so much?

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