Rikus Free Time Events

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Fte 1
"why do you approach me woof" man for such a small boy he sure is rude!

"I just wanted to hang out with you. Is that ok?"

"I shall allow it woof"

I spent some time with riku. Well I'm using that term lightly. He kinda just sat there glaring at me. God this is tense! Maybe if I talk about something he likes he'll stop glaring at me.

"soooo your dog-"

"grr his name is turbo and you shall treat him with the respect he deserves!"

"yeah anyway can you tell me more about him?"

"of course I can woof!" his eyes lit up excitedly as he talked about his beloved dog. He's a odd kid but I kinda like him.

Fte 2
"grr why do you keep following me around!" riku yelled

"I just want to be your friend" I said gently.

"lies! All humans ever do is deceive!"

"but you seem to trust midori"

He stopped yelling and pulled his hat down to cover his blush. "midori is special. She's the only human I trust"

"but why won't you trust me too? I'm being nice to you aren't I?"

"I just told you that midori is the only human I trust grr! Plus I don't believe your kind words. Your just going to hurt me in the end"

"what do you mean?" but he had already left. God he is strange but I also feel like he's hiding something.

Fte 3
"you really want to hang out with me? Even after what happened in the dinning hall?" riku said sadly. I noticed that riku wasn't saying woof after every sentence. I just he really is trying to change.

"hey it wasn't your fault you were just scared" I said reassuringly.

"thanks for being so kind legoshi. I thought your kindness was a lie before but now thanks to midori I think I can trust you" he smiled.

"why did you think it was a lie before?" I asked.

He looked to the floor "people always lied to me at school. They'd pretend to be my friend and then hurt me. I thought he was my friend but he led me out back and let these drunk guys beat me senceless. One guy took off his belt and started hitting me over and over again and again!" he was shaking at this point and sobbing uncontrollably. I gently pulled him into a hug. He jumped back in shock.

"no! Please don't hurt me!"

"I'm not going to hurt you riku I promise" he slowly relaxed into my arms. Poor kid, I knew he was hiding something. Well nothing else I can do but look out for him.

Fte 4

I found riku hugging his knees in a depressed state. I guess kiyos not the only one who suffered a loss.

I gently patted his back "ya doing ok bud?"

He sighed "legoshi what's your family like?"

"Well my parents are dead and I live with my uncle and aunt why?"

He sighed again "my parents are rich but their not good parents. Before I was even born my mother smoked and drank a ton. The doctors said it was a merical that I even lived but it did stud my growth making me the victim of many bullies. My parents ignored me and allowed me to suffer at the hands of many people. It's why I grew to hate humanity but one day I found a puppy on the streets and my world felt a lot less darker. After that I became a dog trainer and began to associate myself with animals more than people. Turbo. The puppy who made all that possible is no longer with me"

He burst into tears. I quickly pulled him into a hug and gently rocked me back and forth.

"I know it hurts riku but he's in a better place now and I'm sure he would want you to keep fighting so promise me you won't give up"

"I promise" he said tearfully.

We sat there together in a teary silence.

Fte 5
"hey legoshi do you regret getting your ultimate talent?" riku asked.

"no why?"

"Well we wouldn't be in this awful situation if we were just normal kids so do you wish you were normal?"

I thought about it for a second "well no use wishing right? What we should be doing is looking for a way out of here"

"your right legoshi your always right" he smiled at me. Rikus really come out of his shell since midoris death and I couldn't be prouder of him for it.

Fte 6
"legoshi!" I turned around to see riku running up to me.

"what's up?" I asked.

"I just wanted to thank you for helping me get through my problems. It's thanks to you that I'm able to accept my human side and make friends and I hope we can hang out together once we escape" he gave a polite bow.

"it no problem. It's was thanks to your own willingness to change that I could help you so you really should thank yourself"

"hehe thanks" he giggled.

I smiled at him. He's really come out of his shell during this and became a proper member of the team. Aleast one good thing came out of this killing game.

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