Sayakas Problem

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Kokichis pov

One month later

"kokichi!" sayaka burst into my room at three in the morning. I groaned and sat up.

"what is it?" I muttered

"I have a problem"

"is it that big of a problem that you had to wake me up at three in the morning" I whined.

"Yes!" sayaka looked like she was about to cry. I sighed.

"take a seat and tell me what's wrong"

She let out a shakey breath "Well me and Leon kinda did the deed back in the Love Hotel."

"wow really!"


"so what's the problem with that?"

"Well it kinda resulted in a pregnancy"

I was too shocked to speak. My sister is pregnant!

"please help me kokichi I don't know what to do!" sayaka sobbed lightly.

"hey don't panic! Why don't you start by telling Leon? He's the dad after all"

"okay" sayaka looked nervous as hell. I discided to cheer her up.

"how about I tell you one of my secrets?"

Sayaka looked up at me "Umm ok"

I took a deep breath "I think I have a crush on himiko"

Sayaka pulled me into a hug and jumped around excitedly "I knew it! You have to tell her!"

"I can't do that! If she doesn't like me back then it will ruin our friendship!" I argued.

"you can't just live in denial kichi you have to tell her!"

"I'll... Work up to it" I muttered. Sayaka hugged me tightly.

"okay baby bro" she smiled brightly.

I'm glad she's acting like her old self but this baby business is tricky. Something tells me things are going to get harder from here.

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