A Pointless Death

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Legoshis pov

We all took our places at the stands once again. I didn't understand why this murder happened but I won't forgive it! I swear I'll avenge yuka no matter what!

"alright let's start with the cause of death" taro said excitedly. Alright man it's not like someone didn't die or anything!

"the victim was stabbed twenty-eight times in the chest" Kiyo said with a pained expression.

"my question is how someone managed to murder her in a locked room"

"couldn't the killer have just locked the door behind them?" oda asked.

"that's true but it does leave the problem of where the killer disappeared to" riku said.

"maybe she just committed suicide?" taro said.

"not possible! Judging by the screams there's no way that was suicide. It was definitely murder!" I said still horrified by the streams of agony.

"then how did the killer escape?" riku asked.

"maybe they didn't" I said.

"what!?" everyone yelled.

"I found a handprint inside the locker along with a knife and a bloody cloth. I believe the killer hid in there and bended in with the rest of us during the confusion"

"and the bloody cloth must have been used to shield them from the blood" riku suggested.

"that would explain why everyone was so clean" Kiyo said.

"also this knife looked fermillier and it was bugging me until I realised where I seen it before. It was the knife kaido gave you wasn't it maya!?" I said pointing at the girl who simply smiled at me.

"oh you got me!" she said calmly "I was going to give myself up at the end but you did such a good job at finding out the mystery. Good job!"


"alright you know what time it is it's voting time!" Monokumas voice cut in.

So we voted for her and got it right obviously.

"maya why? This was such a waste of life!" I yelled wanting to at least understand why this had to happen.

"why it's just like kaido said. When you love someone you'll do anything for them" she said simply "when kaido died I was broken! So I decided I'd join him. I found I was too cowerdly to comitt suicide so I did the next best thing. I became a blackened. Now that I've finished my explanation may we start the punishment? I'd like to be with my lover again"

"alright then let's give it everything we got iiiits punishment Time!"

Maya was placed in a room full of kaidos trapped in cages. The sign above one of the cages said

Maya susumotos punishment
My dieing love

A bell rang and one by one the kaidos in the cages died. They were killed in many different ways. Hanging, stabbing, beheading, drowning, being dunked in acid. Maya tried to save them but there was nothing she could do. In the end the floor opened up. Dunking her in a pool of acid.

We had nothing to say. This was all so pointless. Such a waste of life! Why did all this have to happen!? That's a question I may never get an answer to.

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