Radio Tower

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Kokichis pov

We slowly sneaked into the radio Tower. The place was crawling with Monokumas but toko and Kamaru made short work of them. I wish I could fight them but I don't have any weapons that could affect them like the girls do so I just kept himiko and legoshi close to me so I could protect them from danger. The elevator was broken down so we were forced to take the stairs up and we were doing well until...

"who's there's"

"waa!" toko fell down the stairs in fright.

Behind the corner stood a man holding a laptop in one hand and a baby in the other.

"oh I didn't mean to scare you kids are you alright?" he asked.

"oh we're fine I just got a small concussion." toko growled.

"my apologies I didn't know any survivors were here so I thought you were those kids!"

"it's fine" Kamaru said calmly "so what's your name?"

"oh I'm taichi fugisaki and this is my grandson oda" once again toko froze. This is really starting to get on my nerves.

"so what are you kids doing here?" taichi asked.

"we're going to send a message to future fondation" Kamaru said confidently.

"why don't you just go up the lift?" he asked.

"we can't the lifts busted" himiko explained.

"oh well I can fix it! I'm pretty good with mechines! Just take me down there!"

Time skip

After some time taichi finally got the lift running.

"we did it. We're going to do this! We're really going to-"

He was cut off by a beast Monokuma jumping through the lift and ripping his throat out. We were forced to fight it then we knelt by taichis side as he gave us his final words.

"I have a child. I wanted to see them again." he handed Kamaru a picture "promised me you kids will find your loved ones no matter what" his hand fell and he never moved again. We stayed silent for a while then toko spoke up.

"what picture did he give you Kamaru?"

"just a picture of him and his child" Kamaru said tearfully.

I looked at the picture and my heart stopped. It was chihiro! The same chihiro that was friends with sayaka and the same chihiro that died in the killing game!

"kokichi are you alright? Your face has turned really pale" himiko said worryingly.

"I'm ok" I managed to say.

"grwampa" oda sobbed. Oda must be the kid chihiro adopted then.

"it's going to be ok baby I got you" Kamaru said picking oda up and hugging him.

We all silently made our way to the lift wishing we just took the stairs.

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