The Police Station

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Kokichis pov

We made our way to the police station without alerting the Monokumas. Toko sat me on the desk and pulled out the first aid kit.

"I'd be lying if I said this wasn't going to hurt like hell" toko said.

I nodded "I'm ready"

Toko placed the disinfectant on my arm. I hiss in pain. Himiko squeezed my hand worryingly.

"I'm ok himi" I said gently. Then suddenly...

"get the hell out of here you beast!" a man yelled pointing a gun at us.

"put the gun down you trigger happy freak!" toko growled "We're just here to heal an injered boy!"

The mans eyes softened "I thought you were one of those danm kids!" he collapsed against the wall "sorry for giving you kids a scare. I've just been at my wits end trying to keep those brats at bay! They really want me dead!"

"us too!" Kamaru muttered "my names Kamaru and this is kokichi, himiko, toko and the baby is legoshi!"

"so you have a baby" the man smiled "I have two in the back room. You kids would probably be safer in the back"

We nodded and followed him. "the names takaaki ishimaru by the way" he shouted over his shoulder. Toko froze. Seriously what's this girls problem with names!

We walked into the back room and sure enough there were two babies in the back room.

"wow they sure are cute!" Kamaru cooed.

"that's kiyo and daiya. there my son and his best friends children. They sadly died in a terrible accident" takaaki muttered.

"oh I'm so sorry sir" himiko said.

"oh nonsense kid I'm sure everyone here has lost someone. It's only natural given how fucked up the world has gotten." he said taking a puff of his cigarette.

"so what happened here. Are you the only officer left" toko asked

"yep! My whole squad was slaughtered by those basturds." he growled

"even the police didn't stand a chance against them?" Kamaru said shaking.

I stood there feeling really confused. How did things escalate to this level!

"excuse me but what exactly happened to the city?" I asked. They all looked at me in surprise.

"didn't you see the news boardcast?" Kamaru asked "these kids plan to kill off all the adults with those Monokumas so they can build a children's paradise."

I gasped "that's insane!"

"your damn right it is" takaaki growled "and there nothing I can do about it. Danmit! I haven't felt this helpless since my son died! I just wish there was a safer place to keep my grandchildren"

"wait there is!" Kamaru jumped to her feet "in the underground sewer there's a hideout where all the survivors have gavered. Here's a map you can take the babies there!"

He took the map and smiled at her "thanks kid! You've given me new hope" he held the babies in both of his arms and held a shotgun in his hand "I wish you kids luck with whatever your doing." we waved to him as he left.

"you two can go with him if you want" Kamaru said.

"no way! You guys saved us there's no way we can just leave you" himiko said.

"yeah that's right!" I cut in "besides the city's indanger and I'm sick of just sitting around and doing nothing!"

Kamaru smiled and hugged us both "thanks guys. It feels good to have allys."

"at least someone in this city has balls" toko muttered.

"toko be nice!" Kamaru scolded.

"whatever" toko mumbled.

Kamaru looked out the window with a confident grin "alright gang look lively! Our next destination is the radio Tower. From there we'll send a message to future fondation!

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