White Knight

62 2 0

Legoshis pov

We all took our places at the stands. I had a good idea on who the killer was but first I have to do this again. Let's do this!

"we should start with the cause of death. I pretty confused on that. Like what the fuck killed them?"yuka asked.

"it was definitely strangulation probably with some kind of rope" kiyo said.

"but we don't have rope around here so that can't be it!" kaido said.

"actually there's rope in the storage room" I said.

"really?" kaido said in disbelief.

"you should have known that dumbass! That shits in the e-handbook!" yuka muttered.

"hehe well actually I haven't read the handbook yet" kaido said scratching his head in embarrassment.

"also the rope was brittled like it was rubbed together too fast so I think it's safe to say that it was used for strangulation."

"ok now that we have that out of the way there's something that's been bothering me" kay said.

"really? What?" oda asked.

"that fact that there was two bodies. Now matter how you look at it killing two people is unnecessary"

"ah you were thinking the same thing as me! As expected of my best friend!" taro giggled. Kay smiled at him fondly.

"what if one of them witnessed the murder and the killer was forced to kill him" I suggested.

"that could be true. Dalya was definitely out at night since he attacked me so-"

Riku was quickly cut off by kiyo "attacked you? What do you mean he attacked you?" riku immediately shrunk down at kiyos yelling. I quickly stepped in.

"riku came to my room in a panic last night saying that dalya attacked him. He probably wanted to kill riku so that he could escape here with you. He was worried about you."

"I- no I can't think of that now I need to solve this case!" he's got a lot of strength. I have to admire that.

"can we all agree that dalya was the one who witnessed the murder?" taro said once again enjoying himself far too much "judging by his injuries he fought with the killer. Hitaro doesn't have any injuries to suggest he had time to react so dalya seems like the obvious choice."

"I can agree with that" kay said and the rest of us agreed.

"so where does that get us?" oda asked "how do we find out who the killer is from that?"

"think about it" kay said gently "think about the motive and the killer should become obvious"

Think about the motive? ! I know who the killer is!

"kaido it's you isn't it?"

"me? How the hell could you accused me?" kaido said angrily.

"the motive was that if you kill you could escape with one person and you'd do anything for maya wouldn't you?"

"Well yeah but that not enough to prove that I killed them!" kaido laughed nervously

"not on its own it's not but there's other clues that prove you're the killer!"

"oh really enistine then please enlighten us!"

"it's turbo isn't it" riku spoke up "he was such a sweet pup no one had any reason to kill him so why did he die?"

"perhaps the killer whated to stop turbo from waking anyone up" kiyo theorised.

"but no one would have woke up anyway cause of the sound proof rooms" yuka said.

"unless he didn't know about that" oda gasped.

"kaido did just say that he never read the e-handbook so he wouldn't have known about the sound proof rooms" taro giggled.

"so he wouldn't have known how unnecessary his actions were!" I said confidently.

Everyone was backing kaido into a corner and maya could feel it.

"wait a second! Kaido couldn't be the killer cause he was with me last night. Sorry we didn't tell you sooner but it was just so embarrassing!"

"sorry maya but we can't trust your tessimoni" kay said simply.

"what do you mean you can't trust it!"

"kaido didn't know about the existence of the storage room so it would have been up to you to get him a murder weapon. You two were planning on running away together after all I'm I right in saying that?"

She was speakless.

"if that's the case isn't it possible that mayas the killer?" oda asked.

"no. We found white hair in dalyas fist that definitely belongs to kaido"

Kaido sighed "guess the jig is up. Sorry I couldn't take you out of here princess. I guess I failed you"

"okay it's voting time!" Monokuma said gleefully. We voted for kaido and unsurprisingly got it right.

"is there any point in us standing around here?" kaido spoke up "just punish me so that the rest of you can get on with your day" he makes it sound so easy!

"I just want to know one thing. Where you really willing to sacrifice your own friends just to escape with maya?" I asked.

Kaido sighed again "when you love someone with all your heart you'll do anything for them. Sacrificing you guys was the last thing I wanted to do but I was terrified of waking up one day to find mayas corpes on the ground. If there was even a slim chance I could get maya out of this hell then I had to take it!"

"alright alright enough of the sappy talk! It's time for the punishment!"

"I'm sorry everyone for betraying your trust. Please forgive me and forgive maya too"

"let's give it everything we got iiiits punishment Time!"

Kaido was placed in a flower shop where he was tending to the flowers. The sigh above the door read.

Kaido kazamis punishment
Every rose has its thorns

Kaido watered a rose and it grew large and wrapped itself around him. A girl that looked like maya came skipping in and place a crown of thorns on his head. The rose wrapped itself tightly around the boy slowly inpailing him.

Everyone's face was grim after the execution. We had all lost so much but maya face was black, emotionless. I should have known them that the worst was yet to come.

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