Future Fondation

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Kokichis pov

We made it up to the top floor. We went to the nearest laptop and sent out a signal to future fondation.

"Ababa" I turned around to see legoshi trying to comfert oda.

"aww little cuties" Kamaru cooed.

"hey Kamaru do you think the babies will be safe with us?" I asked.

"sure they will! We'll protect them no problem!" Kamaru said confidently.

I was about to say something back when the laptop flashed to life and a voice rang out.

"this is future fondation we have heard your distress call please tell us your situation."


"ah Kamaru!"

Kamaru and makoto had a tearful reunion while all I could do was stare. This was makoto! The makoto that was friends with sayaka and the makoto that she tried to frame for murder. I have to know If he blames her for anything. It will eat me up inside if I don't!

"makoto" I said catching his attention. "do you blame sayaka and Leon for what they done to you?"


"they caused you so much trouble during the first trail and nearly got you killed. So do you hate them"

"I'm sorry who are you?" he asked.

"I'm kokichi mizono sayakas little brother"

"sayaka had a little brother!?" mokoto looked shocked but he still gave me a gentle smile. "I see. No I don't blame them. We all did things we didn't want to do during that killing game so I hold nothing against them"

"that's a relief. Thank you!" I said smiling tearfully at him.

"wait what's this about a killing game?" Kamaru asked.

"toko didn't tell you? Well we were all trapped in a school and forced to kill each other to escape. Sadly not everyone survived."

I turned to toko in surprise "wait you were part of the killing game? Is that why you acted so strange when you heard my last name?"

"I knew you were a relative of hers but I didn't think you were her kid brother. You two don't look alike at all!"

"oh I was adopted into the mizono family at a young age so I'm not related to her by blood" I explained.

"oh that makes more sense" she mumbled.

"uwncal" legoshi said pulling on my trousers. I smiled and picked him up.

"wait a minute that babys your nephew?" toko yelled in shock.


"then that means..." makoto muttered.

"yeah sayaka and Leon had him before they entered the school."

"Leon's the father!" makoto yelled.

"and he ended up killing her what a cruel twist of fate" toko said bitterly.

"none of that matters right now" Kamaru yelled. "makoto you have to get me out of here now!"

"okay hold on Kamaru I'll-"

"no!" toko cut him off "you can't! If she leaves then master Byakuya will be killed by those brats."

"I know toko but-"

"no buts! I'll take care of Kamaru and the brats so stay put!"

Before he could answer the power shut off, cutting our massage short.

"no!" Kamaru collapse to the floor crying. Himiko rushed over to comfert her.

Toko was in the corner shaking.

"are you alright toko?" I asked

"no I'm not ok! When I was a kid I got locked in a dark room with no food or water for three days so now I have a fear of the dark!" she yelled.

I stared at her in shock "that's awful toko I'm so sorry. If it makes you feel better I was also locked in my room alot as a child so I grew a fear of being alone"

"yeah cause I really need someone to relate to right now!" toko said sarcastically.

"sorry I'm just trying to help!"

Kamaru stood up with newfound determination in her eyes.

"come on guys the elevators down so we need to find a new way out! We're just sitting ducks in here!"

We nodded and made our way towards the latter.

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