Meridas Free Time Events

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Fte 1
"why should I spend time with a loser like you?" merida asked rudely. Man do I really want to hang out with this girl? Might as well.

"Well you look kinda lonely"

"lonely!" she yelled "I'm not lonely! I'll have you know I have plenty of friends! Tons of friends! Billions of friends!" her argument doesn't sound very valid!

"Well maybe you could add one more friend to that huge list"

"Well I don't see a problem with it" she muttered.

We spent the day in the model room listening to merida talk about herself. Maybe she's not as bad as I thought.

Fte 2
"hey loser! I've decided to take pity on you and spend some of my precious time with you" merida said suddenly.

"Umm ok" was all I was able to say before she dragged me away.

We spent some time in the modeling room.

"hey legoshi why do you want to spend time with me? Your not trying to suduce me are you ya pervert!" she said accusingly.

"no not at all! I just wanted to know more about you. No one acts this mean for no reason" I insisted.

She sighed "do you know why they call me the ultimate model"

I shook my head.

"I was constantly ignored by everyone so I took up modeling so that the spotlight could finally be on me. I did anything I could to keep that spotlight on me even shameful things. I'm just a pityful girl who  desperate for any attention even the bad kind" she stood up with a smile "well thanks for listening to my ramblings you worthless peasant. I'll be going before I spill my guts completely"

I watched her walk away. She wants any kind of attention huh? I feel like I'm trying to understand her a bit more.

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