The Masterminds Identity Is Revealed

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Hanakos pov

"ding ding ding you got it right! The mastermind behind this whole operation is me! marko de anglio!"

I was in shock. A man in his late twenties with messy brown hair and red eyes came seemingly out of nowhere, claiming to be the mastermind.

"so your marko de anglio?" tenya asked.

"that's right and may I say I'm very impressed by you kids! When I started this I was afraid you kids would be too dumb to do anything but you have all proven to be very entertaining"

"you son of a bitch!" token yelled only to be held back by kimari.

"hahaha yes entertaining indeed. You know when my mother showed me true despair I was frightened and hurt. I couldn't understand why I was being treated this way or why I had to suffer but I accepted this despair into my very soul all the pain stopped. I felt wonderful." he hugged himself with a deranged look on his face "but they tried to take away that wonderful feeling with their therapy" he slammed his fist on the stand "THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME! haha there's nothing wrong with wanting to spread a little despair and this killing game proved that! But alas you clever kiddos found out my identity so its time for the execution" he reached out for the red button

"no!" I tackle him to the ground "I won't let anyone else die!"

"you let the mastermind live? Haha your a funny girl" he laughed as tears ran down his cheeks. He such a broken man. I can't truly hate him for what he's done.

Suddenly the door was knocked down and standing in the doorway was deigo de anglio.

"brother" he whispered. He ran over and hugged me "thank you for saving him. I promise he'll be properly dealt with" he placed handcuffs on marko and took him away.

Standing in the doorway now where three faces I recognised. There the people from my dreams.

"mom! dad! big cousin legoshi!" memories came flooding back as I raced over and hugged them.

"oh baby girl I so happy your safe! I promise I'll Protect you from now on" daddy said hugging me.

"oh darling I'm so proud of you" mom said kissing my head.

"you did good out there kid I knew you would" legoshis said wiping his tears away.

It's then that I burst into tears. I'm back with my family and I'm never going to forget them again.

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