A New Day

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Hanakos pov

"Hanako?" a strange man with purple hair came up to me "were you sleeping again? Your never going to finish your homework at this rate" he scolded me but he had a kind smile on his face.

"sorry. It's just works so boring" I sighed.

"haha no one ever said work was fun but it will take you places and I want the best for my little girl"

I woke up with dry tears on my face. Was that a dream? It felt so real. I why do I feel like I know that purple haired man? Well no use duelling on it I have work to do.

I got up and walked to the dining hall for breakfast. Everyone was there with glum faces. It makes sense after all two of our classmates died yesterday.

I took a seat next to konaki and Tenya and ate in silence. I noticed someone was missing.

"hey where's token?" I asked.

"he's hiding in his room. He said he won't allow himself to become a victim" sakura said.

"Well we can't have that he'll miss out on all the good food" kimari said slamming her fist on the table. "right! I'll go pick him up" with that she walked out the door. You gotta admire her determination at least!

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