A Killing Game?

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Hanakos pov

I woke up In a locker? I opened the door to find myself in a strange room. I should look around to see if I can find any clues on how I got here.

I opened the door to see two boys I didn't recognise. The boy with his hair
Tied back in a ponytail smile reassuringly at me.

"hi there you must be scared. I'm tenya saihara the ultimate kung-fu master"

"I'm Hanako Mizono the ultimate Trickster"

"nice to meet you Hanako" he glared at the boy standing next to him "Well aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

"..... I'm konaki mamota the ultimate hunter. No beast escapes my eye"

"ok now that we're all introduced we should go look for the others"

I felt strange. No matter how hard I thought I couldn't remember anything about myself. The only thing that came up was my name and ultimate.

"hey you doing ok there" a kind looking girl asked.

"oh I'm fine. My heads just a little fuzzy"

"I see well my name is Grace gokuhara the ultimate gardener. I hope we can be friends"

"I'm Hanako and I'm sure we can"

I wandered around some more with tenya and konaki when I saw two boys and a girl together.

"my darling you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met. We should get married right now!"

"eh? What you talking about?"

"no she is mine back off feind!"

"oh you what to go pal!"

"bring it you worthless scum!"

The two boys then started brawling.

"what the heck was that about?" I asked the girl.

"oh just normal boy stuff I guess" that's normal boy stuff!? "I'm kimari souda by the way I'm the ultimate Machanic!"

"nice to meet you I'm Hanako"

"oh I should probably introduce you to the boys since there fighting and stuff. The guy that asked me to marry him is neko neidi the ultimate p.e couch and the guy calling everyone a feind is sataro tanaka the ultimate Prince"

"ok Well I'll leave you guys be for now"

"alright see you around"

The next people I came across was two boys and two girls.

"hey guys can I introduce myself to you?" I asked.

"sure thing" the boy with multi coloured hair said.

"ok well I'm Hanako Mizono the ultimate Trickster"

"nice to meet you I'm isuku mioda the ultimate d.j" the multi coloured haired boy said.

"I'm hacku sionji the ultimate editor" the red haired boy said.

"it's nice to meet you I'm hinata hinata the ultimate gamer" a girl with long hair and red eyes said politely.

"I'm natsumi kuzuryu and I don't plan on being friendly and shit. At least not until I've figured out what's going on here" a girl in a suit said.

I was feeling pretty stressed out from all these introductions but it seems like I'm nearly done. Just five more people and their all in a group. Ok let's do this!

"hey my names Hanako Mizono what's yours!" I said all at once. Man I suck at this.

"haha I like your energy" a girl with messy brown hair laughed. "my names sackura hagakura the ultimate diving pro!"

"Well I find it annoying" a boy with messy hair and glasses said.

"oh be nice token!" a girl with dark blue hair said "I'm karu tsmugni the ultimate babysitter and the grumpy one over there is token neagi the ultimate writer."

"my name is taiko togami the ultimate afulant prodigie" a girl with long blonde hair said stiffly.

"and my name is nesko komaeda the ultimate doctor" a white haired boy said.

Just when I was feeling relieved that the introduction was over a playful voice rang out from the monitor.

"will all the new students please come to the gymnasium for a announcement"

I wonder what the announcement is.

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