Final Class Trail

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Hanakos pov

We all took our places at the stands for the final time. This is it. If we can get though this the nightmare will finally be over. Oh god please let us get through this.

"so did anyone find anything?" Tenya asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

"really? No one found anything!?" token said in a panicky voice.

"Well I found something that might be connected" I spoke up

"really? Wow hanako your awesome" kimari praised me.

"please tell us what you found hanako" hinata said.

"Well I found this file about the de anglio family. It was out in the open so I assume it obviously hinting that the mastermind is a member of the de anglio family" I said.

"Well what dose the file say?" konaki asked.

"it states that the miss de anglio went insane and tortured her own family to the point where her husband hung himself and her oldest daughter committed a murder suicide in her own boarding school"

"wow that's messed up!" tenya yelped

"that's not all" I continued " two of the de anglio triplets started up their own killing game where they made their own classmates slaughter each other"

"that sounds like us" konaki muttered.

"hey do you think thier the masterminds?" kimari asked.

"no they executed themselves at the end of their killing game" I said

"just like junko and Tsmugi. They must have wanted to comitt to the role of mastermind" hinata muttered

"so who are our suspects in this case?" konaki asked

"Well theirs the surviving triplet makenzee and her little brothers Marco and deigo"

"it's most likely makenzee right" token said "I mean she was in a killing game and her two triplet sisters were the masterminds!"

"unlikely" konaki cut in "if I remember the double killing game properly makenzee had to have her memories wiped cause she was totally agenst the killing game. Why would that mindset change in 15 years?

"ok so it's definitely one of the brothers" hinata muttered.

"can you explain the brothers to us hanako?" kimari asked.

"Well deigo became a police officer and Marco whereabouts are unknown" I said.

"it's probably deigo!" Tenya yelled "a police officer can get away with all kinds of things!"

"that's true but when I looked at deigos photo I just didn't get the feeling he was a bad guy. He looked more like someone who loved his job" I said.

"besides I'd say that Marco going missing is way more suspicious" hinata said pointing at the bear.

"so Marco are you going to come out of hiding!" I yelled.

"puhuhu puhuhu A HAHAHA"

smoke filled up the room at then he appeared.

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