Free Time!

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Aikos pov

I have some time to myself so I decided to visit rita. I found her in the library reading up on mental health.

"hey rita do you have time for a therapy session. I have some stuff I have to get off my chest"

"sure thing. Come to my room and we can get started" she said smiling sweetly at me.

We walked to her room and she layed me on her bed.

"ok tell me everything that's on your mind" so I did. She looked at me seriously.

"aiko it's never easy losing a loved one and it's going to be a long time before things start to feel normal again but you're so strong and I truly believe that you can get past this"

"thanks rita" I sat up and pulled her into a hug "your a good friend"

"you'd consider me a friend" she seemed surprised by that. Maybe she doesn't have many friends?

"of course! In fact you're my best friend" I said reassuringly "soooo is it ok if I come back for more of this stuff? Talking to you has really made me feel better!"

"sure! Anything for my best friend!" she said brightly.

I left the room feeling better than I have in days.

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