The Mystery Of the School

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Aikos pov

We were looking through books to try and find something that will help us through this. Everyone split up into groups. Rita went with oda, riku went with Mai, mystary girl went with Kiyo and may went with miku. Is it just me or does may and miku look a little too similar?

I was paired with legoshi and honestly it was hard to focus with him because he insisted on learning everything he could about us.

"so what ultimate talents do you guys have?"

I sighed "I'm the ultimate delinquent, Rita's the ultimate therapist, mystery girls the ultimate photographer and mais the ultimate performer"

"wow she's a preformer!? I'm the ultimate actor! I bet we'll get along great!"

"yeah that's great legoshi can we please focus on the task at hand"

"oh sorry!" he kinda reminded me of raioku and it hurt.

"whoe Aiko check this out!" I looked up to see that legoshi had found some kind of secret file!

"wow looks important."

"there's the future Fondation logo at the front" legoshi muttered.

"future Fondation? Isn't that the group that protects the world?"

"yep my uncle and auntie are members"

"cool" he opened the file and began reading.

"the case of the de anglio family
Margaret de anglio was a former future Fondation member before she was turned to despair by Monica towa and left the Fondation after freeing her. From there she killed multiple families and even tortured her own family. The torture was so bad that her husband hung himself and her oldest daughter committed a murder suicide in her own boarding school. Margaret was eventually caught and executed. Her remaining children the three de anglio triplets and her sons deigo and Marco were put under intense therapy."

" three de anglio triplets. I have a girl in my class with the last name de anglio"

"funny so do I" I wonder who the third de anglio could be?


"we should go ask the others what they found" I nodded and we left the library.

We met up with oda and rita in classroom B

"hey guys did you find anything?" legoshi asked.

"Well we did find a bunch info on a boarding school but we don't know if it's relevant" oda said shyly.

"couldn't hurt to listen" I said reassuringly.

"ok well the boarding school is called sackura high and it consists of a girls area, a boys area and a main school where the classes take place. It shut down because of some terrible accident though. That's all the info I got I'm afraid."

"aww I think you did wonderful oda" rita praised him "it was very clever of you to get that info on the protected network"

"thank you" oda said blushing. Dose he have a crush on her?


We found Kiyo and mystery girl in classroom A.

"hey guys did you find anything?" I asked.

"yes I found a most interesting story about a murder suicide in sackura High" Kiyo replied "a girl named himari de anglio brought a gun into school and shot thirty-eight of her classmates and two of her teachers. Once the police arrived she burst into tears and told them the only escape from this hell was death and then shot herself. The Parents believed that the school was mistreating the students and they were forced to shut down."

"you managed to uncover all that? Impressive!" I said.

"they don't call me the ultimate lawyer for nothing!" Kiyo said proudly.

Mystery girl grabbed her chest as if she was in pain.

"you ok?" I asked in a worried tone.

"I just got a strange feeling of da savu" she muttered. Huh that's strange. Why would a murder suicide give her da savu?


next we went to riku and Mai in classroom C. It was unsettlingly covered in dried blood.


"you found anything?" I asked.

"not really but I noticed. Miku and may talking to each other. It sounds like already know each other" riku muttered.

"huh that is strange"


"alright kiddos times up!" Monokumas irritating voice rang out "it's time for the final class trail! I hope you're ready"

Oh we're ready all right. Ready to take you out once and for all!

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