Let The Bodies Hit The Floor

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Kokichis pov

We were walking around trying to find the others when a guy in future foundation gear jumped me with a knife! I fought him off and pushed him to the ground.

"please I have to cut off your finger or else the collar will explode!" I was shocked. This was a command from the collar?

"why didn't you say so? Go ahead I'll-"

"times up!"

The collar exploded leaving another headless corpes in it's wake. I fell to my knees.

"it's all my fault" I whispered "I should have just let him do it. I should have-"

I was cut off by seako hugging me "it's not your fault love you though he was trying to kill you. You reacted the same as anyone else would."

"thank you miss Seako" I sniffled

Himiko, tenko and shuichi all ended up giving me a group hug. I felt safe in their arms. They really are my best friends.

Seako stood up and help me up. "come on kiddos we gotta keep moving." we nodded and followed her.

We entered the main hall which was full to the brim with dead bodies. Himiko screamed and I held her trembling body close. Shuichi put a hand on tenkos shoulder reassuringly And gonta asked if everyone was okay like the good boy he is!

"you know guys staying in this room is probably our best chorus of action" shuichi said.

We all looked at him in shock "you want us to stay in this awful room" himiko sobbed.

"I'm sorry himiko but this is the main hall so we'd be more likely to reunite with the others if we stayed here and waited for them" shuichi explained.

"he makes a good point" I muttered.

"kokichi not you too" himiko yelled.

"hey himi baby it's ok I'll Protect you" I said kissing her head gently.

"okay" she muttered nuzzling into my chest.

We waited in the room nervously for half a hour before makoto and his group walked in.

"kokichi! Your alright!" makoto and toko said pulling me into a hug. Yep their definitely overprotective! Toko had her eyes shut probably so she didn't faint from the blood.

Kaito and maki ran up to shuichi and hugged him and hina hugged Seako (there friends in this okay)

"wait where is Kamaru?" toko and makoto said worriedly.

As soon as they said that Kamaru and her group came through the door. They both ran to her and takle hugged her. We were all smiling. Sure we've been though hell but we were together again. Everything will be alright now.

Of course our reunion was cut short by the speakers.

"wow I guess I underestimated the younger foundation members they're sooooooooo smart! Well I guess you win then. That means I have to reveal myself right?"

The speakers cut off and smoke filled the room. The smoke revealed a person and that person shook me to my core.

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