A New Day

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Legoshis pov

I woke up to the sound of knocking. The memories of last night came flooding back and I sighed. I opened the door to see oda.

"oh hey oda" I mumbled still feeling sleepy.

"hey legoshi. I thought we could walk to the dining hall together since our dorms are close"

"how come kiyo isn't taking me? He usually dose" I asked.

"oh he's busy right now. Sorry it had to be me" he said looking down sadly.

"oh no oda your my friend too I'm happy your here" I threw an arm round the small boys shoulder "now let's go I'm starving!"

We made it to the dining hall. Everyone was sitting with someone. Madori was sitting with riku petting his dog while the boy blushed madly, yuka was sitting with maya and hataro talking about hevey metal, kay and taro were playing a video game together, mayu and kaido were flirting  and aoi was aggressively hugging kiyo while dalya laughed.

"so that's what he was busy with" I said trying desperately to hold back laughter.

"yeah I kinda feel bad for him. Girls are scary" oda shivered. I ruffled his hair and sat down for some food.

Time skip

I walked into the music room with flowers. When I walked in her body, her blood it was all gone. What sick game is this bear playing?! I placed the flowers on the piano and sighed.

"there you go cala I would have liked to give them to you while you were alive but I guess this will have to do. I hope you're in a better place at least."

I sat down and had a good cry. I then sat up and wiped my tears away.

"that's enough crying" I told myself "I have to stay strong and keep going. Maybe speading time with the others will help."

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