Getting Out Of Town

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Kokichis pov

The Dispair only grew from there. In a matter of two months towa city had turned into a war zone. Many more people lost their lives in this senseless war. People started calling it the tragedy. I sat in my room feeling hopeless. Sayaka called me but I payed her no mind. I just wanted to dissappear. I wanted things to go back to normal. I wanted-

"kokichi!" sayaka shook me.

"what!" I yelled.

"your girlfriends here now get your depressed butt down and talk to her!"

I sighed and went downstairs. Himiko took one look at me and hugged me.

"oh kokichi I'm so sorry" himiko whispered. I nodded in response. She gently led me to the sofa and looked at me seriously.

"me and my parents are leaving town tonight" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"you're leaving me?" was all I could say. I didn't want to lose anyone else!

"no kokichi that's why I'm here. I want you to come with us" my heart stopped. This is even worse than her abandoning me!

"no I can't there's no way I can leave sayaka!" sayaka handed me legoshi without a word.

"huh? What are you doing big sis?" I asked.

"I want you to take legoshi with you" sayaka said simply.

"no sayaka I can't leave you-" she held up a hand to silence me.

"the school has made plans to turn the school into a bunker for me and my classmates. I was hesitant to agree to it as it would mean leaving you and legoshi but if you go with himiko then I don't have to worry about you two"

I felt hesitant and she must have noticed cause she pulled me into a hug and petted my head. "don't worry kichi me and Leon will be fine"

I nodded and turned to himiko "okay let's go"

She looked relieved "okay let's go"

Me and sayaka said our final goodbyes and we left. We sneaked out towards Himikos house praying that we wouldn't get attacked. Finally we made it through the door and was greeted by Himikos parents.

"kokichi dear I'm glad you could make it" himikos mother said giving me a hug. She pulled away and looked at legoshi in surprise.

"this is my nephew legoshi. My sister asked me to take him with me is that ok?"

"sure kid. None of us are cruel enough to abandon a baby" himikos dad said.

We had lunch together and then we got into the car. I lay my head against the window wondering if leaving sayaka was a good idea. Then himiko squeezed my hand gently and I felt ten times better.

We arrived at the bunker himikos parents had built years ago and hopped in. The bunker was spacious and even had a cot since they made it when himiko was a baby. I think this place is going to work out just fine.

Three weeks later

Me and himiko switched on the TV out of boredom but the only thing on was a new show called danganrompa. Weird. I was about to switch it off when I saw sayaka, Leon and all the other classmates along with the same bear those crazy mobs were. The bear suddenly started laughing.

"welcome everyone to the trill seeking killing game!"

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