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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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September 18th, 2020

"Awh no, my phone just died." Mia laughs, plonking the phone into his cup holder.

"Hm, maybe now you can actually talk to me." Harvey grins.

"What do you wanna talk about love?" She questions, sitting back up so she wasn't leaning on the door.

"Hm, anything you want Juliet." He responds.

"What boxes did you get?" She asks.

"I got everything labelled clothes, one labelled with HM and another labelled important." He shrugs.

"You picked up your box." She laughs, rolling her eyes playfully.

"My box?" He furrowed his eyebrows, looking at her briefly, as he was still driving, the girl reaching into the backseat to get it.

"Well, considering I thought we had split up I put anything of yours that I found in my room into a box so I could give it back." Mia replies, tucking her hair behind her ears slowly.

"Wait, is Harvey in there?" He asks, the girl ripping the tape off.

"He is indeed." She responds, pulling the build-a-bear out of the box.

"Heyy! It's me." Harvey laughs, the girl looking through the rest of the box.

"I took this off for the first time since December." Mia admits, pulling out her rose necklace.

"Put it back on." He looks over at her very briefly.

"No buts, put it back on." He uses his 'authority' once more, Mia smiling to herself as she put the necklace back on.

"Hm, see, my Juliet is back." He grins, taking her hand into his and pressing a soft kiss to it.

"Okay Romeo." She laughs, looking out of the window again.

"Harveyyyy." She speaks, the boy pressing another kiss to her hand.

"Miaaaaa." Harvey responds in the same tone.

"Please can we get lunch?" She asks.

"Where's the next service station?" He asks, Mia pointing to the sign that said it was the next turn.

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