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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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December 10th, 2018

Mia sighs as she looks at her phone, lying on her back on her bed waiting for Harvey to text her. He told her he'd be at her house earlier on this morning but he hadn't turned up and she was worried he was dead or something. She jumps out of her skin when her phone starts ringing, Harvey's name covering the screen as she presses the answer button.

"Juliet I'm so so sorry, I completely forgot I had to babysit my younger siblings today." Harvey pleads as Mia bites her lip.

"It's fine, I thought you were dead or something so it's a relief to know you aren't." Mia laughs softly as Harvey goes quiet for a few minutes.

"Harv? Did you die on me?" Mia asks as he hears him shut a door.

"I'm alive, don't worry. If you want you can still come round, I'm sure we can get some rehearsing in." Harvey says as she bites her lip.

"You sure?" Mia responds as Harvey laughs.

"Yes I'm sure, now get dressed and get over here." Harvey responds as she laughs.

"Alright, I'll see you in 15." She replies before ending the call. She quickly changes into some jeans and a shirt, grabbing her phone before walking downstairs. She ties up her shoes and grabs her coat, about to leave the house when her Dad walks into the hallway.

"Where are you going in such a rush?" Freddie asks his only child as she turns around.

"I'm going to Cara's to sort out my art project." Mia lies as Freddie nods.

"Be back before its dark." Freddie says as she nods, leaving the house seconds after. She makes her way to Harvey's house, knocking on the door and waiting a few minutes until it opens.

"Hi, sorry come in, it's a madhouse." His Mum says as she smiles, walking in.

"Harvey's up both sets of stairs with Max." Sara comments as Mia nods, not really knowing what else to say. Mia takes her shoes off and makes her way upstairs softly and quietly, Max noticing her when she gets to the top of the first set.

"Hey, I didn't know you were coming round." Max says as she stands there for a second.

"I'm meant to be rehearsing with Harvey." She responds as he nods, Harvey sprinting down the stairs when he hears her voice.

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