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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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December 25th, 2020

"You manage to pull everything off, I'm convinced you're a shapeshifter." Harvey says as Mia finally returns downstairs in something comfier.

"I'm convinced Sara has killed all of us off, I'm stuffed." Mia jokes.

"Can't have my kids going hungry now, can I?" Sara smiles as she sits down on the other sofa with Paul, Tills and Leo.

"What film shall we watch guys?" Paul asks.

"Can I choose?" Tilly questions. Paul hands her the TV remote, the girl bubbling with excitement as Harvey wraps his arm around Mia's waist, the girl leaning her head on his shoulder.

As the film went on, the Mills family gradually grew more and more tired, Tilly being the first to go to bed, followed by Leo, Sara and Paul, Mia, Max and finally Harvey. When Harvey got up to his room, he opened the door expecting Mia to be fast asleep but instead saw her sitting with a huge box of gifts on her knee, all of them labelled for Harvey.

"I know you told me not to spoil you, but, I spoiled you." She smiles softly.

"Juliet." Harvey looks at her.

"What? You're like the epitome of cuteness and I can't not spoil you." Mia replies.

"It's a good job I completely and utterly spoiled you too." Harvey beams.

"You little shit, I was convinced you were gonna tell me off then." Mia shakes her head, the boy getting her gifts out from under his bed.

"They're kinda split up into birthday and Christmas but as you say, it's the same thing." Harvey shrugs, sitting down in front of her.

"You go first." Mia pushes the box towards her.

"But-" He begins, the girl cutting him off with a kiss.

"You go first, no buts." She looks at him with doe eyes, the pink-haired boy sighing but agreeing anyway. He looks at all of the perfectly wrapped red gifts with a soft smile, looking up at Mia before picking one out to open.

"What is it?" He asks with curiosity.

"Open it and find out." She bites her lip momentarily, watching him rip it open.

"Juliet." He looks up at her.

"You cannot complain, I love you and I deserve to spoil you." Mia looks at him, the boy nodding in response before deciding to open another. He opens them individually, looking at her every single time as if to mentally tell her off for spending so much money on him.

"Mia." Harvey looks at everything, completely speechless.

"Do you like them?" Mia questions.

"I love them and I love you." He looks up at her.

"I love you so so much." He declares, leaning forward to kiss passionately. She smiles into it, pulling away to move her hand through her hair to get it out of her face.

"Your hair looks gorgeous today, by the way. Red suits you." Harvey says, the curled half red half brown hair catching his eye.

"I figured you'd say that, I think I've turned into lockdown you with dying my hair so often." Mia teases, watching the smile on his face appear again.

"Open your stuff now." Harvey encourages, the girl laughing softly before taking one of the gifts out.

She opens everything without hesitation, the girl absolutely astonished at everything he'd gotten her which meant she was smiling the entire time. She looks up at him with doe eyes, the girl leaning up and pressing her lips to his softly. She moved the things between them and moved closer to him, the girl's legs on either side of his as he moves his hands to hold her waist. Her hands tangle in his soft hair as Harvey remembers a separate gift he'd gotten her that wasn't included with everything else.

"One second." He whispers breathily, pulling away to catch some air. She moves back to her original seat as he gets up from the bed and moves to his chest of drawers, the boy opening his bottom drawer and digging through all of his socks to find what he needed.

"What's this?" She furrows her eyebrows as he hands it to her, sitting cross-legged in front of her.

"Open it." He replies, making her roll her eyes. She takes the wrapping paper off slowly to see a Pandora box, the girl automatically assuming it was a charm for her bracelet that she shared with Tilly. She looks up at him briefly before looking back down at it, opening it up with the expectation of a Pandora charm, only to be greeted with a ring.

"Harvey." She looks at him.

"It's a promise ring." He admits, the girl feeling herself getting emotional.

"This is gorgeous." Mia informs him, taking the ring out of the box and slipping it onto her left middle finger.

"I love you and I genuinely cannot see myself living without you, ever. We've been through so much already and I'm prepared to do everything else with you for the rest of my life, no matter how big of a challenge." Harvey declares, watching a tear slip down her cheek. He leans forward and wipes it away, pressing his lips to hers softly before pulling away to look at her.

"I love you too." She whispers.

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