926 18 0

October 3rd, 2018

"Alright, the first runthrough of your exam is today. Kaia and Max you will go first, Harvey and Mia - where's Mia?" Miss Greenhall announces to the class as they all look around.

"I dropped her off at school this morning." Lucee mutters to herself, thinking no one heard her but Harvey did, and he was confused. A frustrated Mia walks into Drama and throws her bag down beside Harvey's, making her way to her seat as Lucee looks at her.

"Why are you late Miss Parkinson?" Lucee asks as Mia looks at her step-mother.

"I was doing something for Mr Flitz." She comments as Lucee nods, not pressing further.

"Why does she get away with lying but we don't?" Jaiden asks as Lucee rolls her eyes.

"Because Mia's not lying, Jaiden, you always are." Lucee retorts as Jaiden gives Mia a dirty look. Mia rolls her eyes as Lucee continues to speak about their exam, knowing Mia and Harvey hadn't really practiced because she'd been busy finishing her portrait for Art.

"Alright, Kaia and Max, here we go." Lucee says as the two perform their section of Macbeth almost perfect, Max forgetting a few of his lines accidentally.

"Alright, Jaiden and Sammi can go now." Lucee says as the two girls get up with George and Luke. They perform their scene from An Inspector Calls, Mia not paying much attention because she was worrying about her portrait in Art which a little kid decided to draw over in pencil and she had to rub out some of the work she already did because of it. The group of 4 manage to perform their scene without messing up, Jaiden occasionally pausing because she forgot her line before Luke reminded her of it.

"And last but not least, Romeo and Juliet." Lucee grins as Harvey gets up and walks over, Mia following when she realised it was their turn. They go through their first runthrough and absolutely botch it up, Mia forgetting all of her lines and Harvey completely forgetting to drink the poison as Lucee furrows her eyebrows.

"Mia you need to start concentrating on Drama, love." Lucee says as Mia nods, trying her hardest not to burst into tears because of how stressed out she felt.

"I'll talk to you two later." Lucee says as Mia sits back in her seat.

"That's well not fair! If that was me and Sammi we'd get detention." Jaiden whines as Lucee rolls her eyes.

"That's because Mia has actually tried her best, you guys don't do much in lesson." Lucee responds as the girl rolls her eyes, giving Mia another dirty look.

"Lucee, please can I go to the bathroom?" Mia asks as she walks over.

"Course you can darling." Lucee responds as Mia walks out of the lesson.

"Your name is Lucee? How does she know that?" Harvey asks as Lucee looks at her.

"Oh, she must've seen it on the teachers portal or something." Lucee spews, not knowing what to actually say as an excuse. She continues teaching the class whilst Mia sorts herself out in the bathroom before making her way back to the lesson. When she walks back in, Jaiden gives her a dirty look, she does straight back to her seat and sits down.

"Are you okay?" Harvey asks as she looks at him, nodding softly.

"I'm just stressed about Art." Mia responds as he thinks for a second.

"You don't need to stress about Art, you've practically got the 9 already." Harvey says as she smiles, shaking her head softly.

"Thank you." Mia replies as he grins back at her. The bell sounds for the end of the day as everyone grabs their bags and leaves, Mia not leaving straight away like Harvey expected her to.

"Alright, what's going on? Is this about Freddie last night?" Lucee asks as Harvey leans against the wall watching them quietly, waiting for Mia to walk out so they could walk home together.

"Yes and No, some year 7 decided to draw all over my art project and ruined it." Mia sighs as Lucee sighs, moving some of her hair out of her face.

"Do you need me to bring it home for you?" Lucee asks as Mia nods softly.

"If you don't mind." Mia responds, watching the teacher shake her head.

"I'll see you at home okay?" Lucee says as she nods. Mia grabs her bag and makes her way to the door, noticing Harvey stood there.

"Hi." Mia says as he smiles at her.

"I figured I could walk you home." Harvey says as she smiles.

"You don't have too." Mia comments, watching him shake his head as the two of them walk through the schoolyard to get out of the gates.

"I want too." Harvey says as she tries to hide the blush forming on her cheeks.

"I'm gonna guess you heard me and Lucee?" Mia says as he nods.

"She's going out with my Dad, they met when I was in Year 4 and I forgot she taught here so." Mia says as Harvey nods.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." Harvey grins as the two of them walk out of the school gates.

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