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January 12th, 2019

Mia sighs as she lets her hair down, throwing the hair tie on her chest of drawers before staring at her now empty white walls. She'd finally decided to take down all the One Direction memorabilia and put it away in boxes so she could make room for some new stuff, mostly her Art Projects. She messes around with the rose charm on the necklace Harvey bought her as her Dad walks in, eyeing the necklace straight away.

"Where's that come from?" Freddie asks as Mia looks at him.

"Where's what come from?" Mia responds as he points to her necklace.

"Oh, Lucee got it for me for Christmas." Mia says as Freddie scoffs.

"You told me she got you a new watch." Freddie scoffs as she clears her throat.

"Oh, sorry, I meant for my Birthday, they are the same day." Mia huffs as Lucee turns up at his side.

"What's going on?" Lucee grins as Mia looks at her.

"Mia said you got her that necklace for her birthday." Freddie comments as Mia looks at Lucee in desperation, wanting her to agree so it didn't get taken off her.

"Yeah, I gave it to her last week." Lucee agrees as Mia lets out a deep sigh, thankful Lucee wasn't a snitch.

"Ah, well, it's nice to see you wearing stuff we buy you." Freddie grins as Mia rolls her eyes.

"I'm not a materialistic, Dad, I don't need expensive brands to make me happy." Mia retaliated.

"That's just called being ungrateful, Amelia, other kids would die to be in your shoes." Freddie mumbled as she laughs sarcastically.

"Yeah, okay, believe what you want to Dad." She chimed before he stomped downstairs in frustration.

"Thank you." Mia thanks her step-mum as she grins.

"No problem, Harvey seems to know you well." Lucee says as she blushes.

"I'll leave you to it." Lucee continues before she shuts her bedroom door, leaving Mia in peace and quiet.

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