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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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July 12th, 2020

"Off to the Drive-In show we go!" Harvey calls as he sits in the middle seat of Paul's car, Mia sat on one side of him and Dobby on the other.

"I really should've stayed in bed." Mia yawns as Max looks at her.

"Wow, your girlfriend is real supportive of our career Harvey." Max scoffs playfully as Harvey looks over at his girlfriend to see her falling asleep against the car window.

"Wake me up when you've turned into Niall Horan." Mia mumbles as the other four in the car laugh. She sits up due to the uncomfortable position she was in, rubbing her eyes tiredly before nestling further into her seat. She leans her head on Harvey's shoulder, the boy smiling softly before he kisses her forehead.

Around 11 am, Mia wakes up to an empty car and starts to panic a little when she tries to open her door and she was locked in. She looks around, sighing in relief when she sees Harvey, Max, Dobby and Paul all making their way back to the car with food. She gets her phone out of her pocket as they all slide into the car, Mia replying to Lucee's message about Manchester before Harvey puts down a drink and a Twirl in her lap.

"I got you a twirl 'cause you never eat dinner, so I figured to get you chocolate." Harvey says as she smiles.

"Thank you." She responds as he kisses her cheek. When they eventually arrive at the venue, Paul parks the car whilst the other four take all of the stuff backstage, Mia carrying Harvey's bag for him. When they get to the dressing room, Mia sat down and started messaging Luke and Isobel, the girl genuinely starting to miss the two friends she had at college.

"I'll be back in like fifteen." Mia informs the three boys as she leaves the dressing room to answer the facetime from Luke.

"Hey!" Luke exclaims happily as she smiles.

"Hey, awh look at you two cuddling." Mia laughs as Isobel smiles.

"Where are you?" Luke asks as she shrugs.

"All I know is that my Lewis Robinson looking boyfriend is doing a drive-in show." Mia shrugs as she finds a wall to sit on.

"How bad is it?" Isobel asks as she see's Harvey walk outside. Mia whistles to catch his attention, the bleach-blonde boy looking over at her as she motions him over.

"It's this bad." Mia exclaims, pointing the phone in Harvey's direction.

"Oh my lord, Harvey what happened?" Max asks as Harvey laughs.

"I went too hard with the blue hair dye both times so I've managed to have blue tips." Harvey explains as Mia smiles.

"How's your hair Mimi?" Isobel asks as she focuses her phone back to her.

"It's slightly lighter than it was when I first dyed it blue, but when my hairdresser reopens I'm gonna get it done properly." Mia explains as the two nod.

"I can't wait for you to come home." Luke smiles as Mia laughs. Harvey furrows his eyebrows at the word 'home' considering he thought her home was in Berkshire.

"Would you class Manchester as home?" Isobel asks as Mia shrugs.

"Probably to be fair, I do spend more time there usually. Obviously I've been here for the last 4 months so." Mia admits as Harvey gets up. He kisses the side of her head and walks back to the dressing rooms to do his warmups.

"Mia doesn't class Berkshire as home." Harvey huffs as he sits down.

"So?" Dobby queries as Harvey rolls her eyes.

"Before we know it she'll be living there permanently." Harvey sighs as Max laughs.

"Harv, she'd never move there permanently. She's got other people to think about, such as her dad." Max informs him as Harvey rolls his eyes.

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