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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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May 27th, 2020

Mia laughs to herself quietly as she watches Harvey make his cookies, Mia staying out of his way so he doesn't get frustrated with her. She weighs out the flour for her cupcakes, not realising Harvey was watching her with a soft smile. Once she has finished with the flour, she hands it over to him, the boy thanking her with a sweet kiss before he continues with his own baking.

"Shit." Mia mumbles to herself as the flour goes all over her shirt. Harvey laughs at her as she wipes herself down before continuing with her own baking.

"Wait what cupcakes are you making?" Harvey asks her as she looks over at him.

"Vanilla, but they're gonna get decorated so." Mia replies as he nods.

"Watch yours turn out better than mine." He laughs as she smirks.

"Remember who the one with the 9 in Art GCSE is Harv." Mia comments confidently as he frowns. He walks over to her and tickles her sides, catching her by surprise. Her arms fly up behind her to try and stop him, flour ending up all over Harvey's face and her own hair.

"Juliet!" He exclaims as he stops his tickling attack, letting go of her to wipe it off of his face. Mia laughs at his reaction as she wipes her hands down.

"Why'd you do that?" He asks as he gets it off of his face.

"You know not to tickle me, it's your own fault." Mia laughs as he grabs a handful of flour and throws it at her.

"Harvey!" She whines as she wipes it from her eyes, Harvey laughing his ass off at her reaction. She grabs her flour bag from behind her and walks over to him, pouring some of it onto his head whilst standing on her tiptoes, taking the boy by surprise. After a very eventful five minutes of them throwing flour at each other, Harvey ending up with an egg cracked on his head and Mia ending up with an egg cracked on her back, Sara walked in and nearly died at the sight in front of her.

"What the hell happened in here?" Sara exclaims in shock as the two of them freeze, turning on their feet to look at her.

"We're baking." Mia replies sweetly as Sara furrows her eyebrows.

"What are you meant to be baking?" Sara continues as Mia looks at Harvey.

"Mia." Harvey says as she looks at him.

"Harvey." She responds, the two of them looking at each other before looking at Sara.

"Sara." They say in unison as she looks at them weirdly.

"Just, make sure you clean up." Sara sighs before walking out. 

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