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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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June 28th, 2019

Mia checks over her outfit one last time before she makes her way downstairs, grabbing her phone and making her way outside. Cara smiles at her, complimenting her on her dress as Mia returns the favour before they walk the 5-minute walk to the Mills' household. Just as Mia and Cara step into the driveway, the front door opens and Tilly is racing over to Mia for a hug. Mia laughs as she picks the little girl up and hugs her softly, Cara smiling at them as Sara, Paul and Leo make their way outside.

"Your boys are still changing, they're struggling." Sara informs as Mia puts Tilly down, the two of them making their way inside to find their prom dates. Cara finds Max first in the kitchen eating a chocolate bar, whereas Mia hadn't found Harvey yet. She makes her way up to the third floor and see's Harvey stressing out in his room, giggling to herself before walking in.

"Hey love." Mia beamed as Harvey looked over at her, having to do a double-take considering he thought it was his Mum.

"Oh my." Harvey gasps as he looks Millie up and down a few times over. He stops trying to tie his tie and walks over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist softly.

"You look beautiful." He compliments as she smiles, her cheeks heating up slowly.

"Thank you." Mia whispers as he presses a quick kiss to her lips before going back to finish changing. He struggles to tie his tie for the 5th time of the day as Mia walks over and moves his hands away from it, tying it correctly for him. He watches her as she ties it effortlessly, Harvey feeling like he cannot take his eyes off of his girlfriend but has to when she stands back to check his tie was straight.

"Thank you." He smiles with pure adoration for the girl as she moves some of her curled hair behind her shoulder. Harvey smiles as he looks at the necklace hanging down onto her skin before he picks up his blazer and puts it on.

"I'll be downstairs." Mia says abruptly after her phone started ringing. Harvey nods as she walks downstairs on the phone to her father, listening to him ridicule her for buying the prom dress she did. Harvey ties up his shoes before making his way downstairs after her, Mia trying her hardest not to burst into tears in front of everyone. That's the only thing Mia hated, no matter how hard she tried when people got mad at her and started shouting she couldn't help but burst into tears. Mia ends the phone call to her father whilst he was in the middle of a rant, turning her phone off completely and putting it into her bag as Harvey walks outside and stands by her side.

"Alright, let me get some photos of you guys." Sara grins as she took a few photos of Max and Cara. When she went to take photos of Harvey and Mia, the two of them were too caught up in laughing to get a photo taken before the other half of the group arrived so they missed their opportunity. They all got one big group photo before they got in the Limo to take them to the place where Prom was being held, Mia sat with Cara and Emily as all the boys sat together on the other side.

"Wonder what Jaiden, Sammi and Katie are wearing?" Cara mutters as Mia looks at her.

"Katie got banned from going, remember?" Mia mentions as Cara goes wide-eyed before laughing.

"Poor girl, maybe she should learn to stop being a bitch." Cara retaliates as the three girls laugh.

"Did I tell you that you look great?" Harvey whispers in Mia's ear as they walk inside of the venue.

"Yes you did." Mia whispers back as Harvey grins, kissing her cheek before they go to find their table. Mia sits down and turns her phone back on, noticing all the messages from her Father that said she was grounded if she was with Harvey. She giggles to herself and turns her phone back off as Harvey walks back over with a drink for them both.

"Thank you love." She chirps, Harvey kisses the top of her head softly as he sits down beside her.

"I thought you said Katie wasn't allowed to come?" Harvey queries, pointing to Katie who was standing with Jaiden and Sammi looking ready to kill someone.

"Someone told me she wasn't but she probably begged her way back in." Mia shrugs as Harvey nods, Mia only now noticing his hair was sticking up a little. She reaches over and flattens his hair down for him, Harvey kissing her wrist when she'd finished as the rest of the table finally sit down.

"You guys, go get your photo done." Cara chimed as the two looks at her. She points to the corner of the room where there was a giant 19 standing with lights all over it, telling them that they could get their photo done and be able to pick it up on results day. Mia is pulled up from her seat by Harvey no more than 20 seconds later, Harvey holding her hand as they walk over to the 19 where Sammi and her boyfriend Ethan were currently standing. Harvey stands behind Mia as they wait, his hands on her waist as she sorts out her lipgloss and checks her eyeliner wasn't messy. When Sammi and Ethan had finished, Mia and Harvey stood next to each other and tried their hardest to take a normal photo but Harvey said something to make Mia laugh so hard that they couldn't. Harvey didn't mind what the photo looked like so long as Mia looked happy, and that she did.

"My favourite song is on." Mia says as Harvey drags her over to the dancefloor where everyone else in their year was.

"Oh, I have to tell you something," Harvey mentions as Mia looks at him.

"Is everything okay?" Mia questions as he nods.

"Don't tell anyone but, Max and I are auditioning for X-Factor Celebrity this year." Harvey whispers as she smiles.

"I'm proud of you Harv." She whispers back, pecking his lips softly.

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