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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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December 27th, 2019

Mia wakes up to the sun shining through the window, remembering she just collapsed on her bed last night and fell asleep straight away. She turns on her side to see Tilly fast asleep too, the little girl curled up in the covers of the bed. Mia smiles, reaching for her phone to check the time and see whether or not she'd received any messages from her father. She notices the clock strike 8:00 am, the girl no longer feeling sleep deprived like she thought she was so she decides to get up and get a shower before Tilly wakes up.

When Mia had finished up in the shower 35 minutes later, she changed into a relatively comfortable outfit before walking out of the bathroom whilst towel drying the ends of her hair. She gently shakes the youngest Mills awake, Tilly groaning yet opening her eyes to see a very refreshed Mia sat there. The little girl sits up, stretches, then wraps her arms around Mia's middle.

"Morning bubby." Mia grins as Tilly sighs in happiness.

"Morning Bubba." Tilly responds quietly as Mia hears her phone buzz.

"C'mon, you go get dressed and brush your teeth so we can go have breakfast." Mia encourages as Tilly nods, moving to head to the bathroom with her clothes seconds later. Mia takes the time to repack her suitcase and open the usual morning message she received from Harvey. He then adds another message telling her they were just waiting on Max who had accidentally slept in, to which she replies with a 'Memoji' of her holding her thumbs up.

Tilly returns from the bathroom 15 minutes later, Mia braiding her hair for her when she finishes putting her shoes on. Mia braids her own hair, leaving it wet so when she wakes up tomorrow morning she'll have wavy hair that she can just leave rather than have to maintain it 24/7. Once she was done with her own hair, she messages Harvey and Sara to tell them they were making their way down to the hotel cafe. She puts her phone in her pocket, grabbing the room key and Tilly's hand as the two of them make their way downstairs to get some breakfast. Tilly grabs a bowl of cereal and a piece of toast, Mia opting for some fruit and a cereal bar as the two find a big table for all of the family to sit at. Around 5 minutes later, the rest of the Mills family make their way into the cafe to see Mia and Tilly laughing at each other, Harvey watching as his girlfriend throws a grape in the air and catches it in her mouth. They make their way to the table to put their stuff down, Leo, Sara, Paul and Max making their way to the food as Harvey slips his arms around Mia's neck from behind, kissing her cheek.

"Good Morning." He whispers groggily into her ear, causing the girl to blush.

"Morning Harv, go get some breakfast." She responds, the boy kissing her cheek again before listening to her. Max returns minutes later with a giant stack of pancakes, his tongue stuck out a little at the side as Mia laughs.

"You good, Max?" She queries as he looks at her.

"Better." Max exclaims to Amelia before beginning to devour his pancakes. When everyone else had joined the table, Mia finished off her bowl of fruit with Harvey's hand on her waist the entire time, the boy not wanting to let go of her. Once everyone had finished breakfast, the family made their way back upstairs to their hotel rooms to collect their suitcases. Tilly hops on Mia's back as the girl races down the hallway, both of them laughing before Mia stopped at their room.

Tilly grabbed her suitcase and waited patiently for Mia who was just brushing her teeth. Once she'd done, Mia grabbed her suitcase and Tilly's hand, making her way downstairs where the rest of the family were waiting. The 7 of them tried their hardest to shove all of their luggage into the taxi and once they had, sighed in relief.

"This is gonna be the best holiday ever!" Harvey shouts before he gets in the minibus, sitting beside his girlfriend.

"Someone's hyper." Mia giggles as Harvey puts an arm over her shoulder.

"Just happy you're here." He whispers to her, giving her a quick kiss so Max wouldn't pretend to be sick like he usually does.

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