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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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August 29th, 2020

"We should get tattoos." Luke exclaims as Isobel and Mia look at him.

"We're underage." Mia furrows her eyebrows.

"Still, imagine if you went home with a tattoo, you would definitely get kicked out." Luke replies as Mia laughs.

"Why do I have to go to this stupid appointment?" Mia whines as she parks up outside of the opticians.

"Because you're blind." Isobel retorts sarcastically as Mia slaps her shoulder.

"I struggle reading from certain distances, I am not blind." Mia rolls her eyes as she bangs her head against the wheel, the horn going off which scares both of her passengers.

"Hah, I'm glad that scared you both." Mia laughs as Luke looks at his phone.

"You're like 2 minutes late, go in." Luke warns her as she grabs her bag and her phone. She hands Luke her car keys before walking into the opticians, the girl being taken to her appointment straight away. She goes through the process of reading out the letters and getting her eyes checked, her optician writing a few things down whilst she was doing it.

"I am afraid that you are going to need glasses." He says as Mia sighs in frustration.

"You'll only need them for reading and writing, you don't need them for driving and what not." He continues as she nods.

"If you wait just a moment, I'll take you into the showroom so you can choose which ones you want." He suggests.

"Thank you." Mia responds as he nods. Once he is done with his notes, she goes outside to choose the style of glasses she wants. After choosing some tortoise shell Ace and Tate glasses, she pays for the frame and frustratedly texts her father whilst they give Mia her next appointment. She thanks them before leaving and getting back in the car, both of her friends looking at her with sly smirks.

"I'm gonna guess by the way you tried those glasses that you're getting glasses." Isobel says, watching Mia nod hesitantly.

"You suited those though, so it's not too bad." Luke compliments as Mia laughs.

"Let's just get to the Piercing Shop before I lose my marbles." Mia laughs as she reverses out of her parking spot. Isobel and Luke's awful singing was exposed when the music stopped out of nowhere, Mia's phone ringtone for Harvey sounding through the car. She presses the answer on her dashboard and waits a few seconds before Harvey speaks.

"Hey love!" Harvey exclaims as Luke and Isobel look at Mia, trying their hardest not to laugh.

"Hey Harv." Mia replies as she stops at a red light.

"Hey Harvey." Luke says snootily which makes Mia and Isobel laugh.

"I'm gonna guess that Luke and Izzie are there, hey guys." Harvey laughs.

"What are you guys up to?" Harvey asks.

"Luke's going getting another piercing." Mia informs as he 'ahh's.

"I'll leave you to it then, see you later guys." Harvey replies before ending the call. Mia shrugs, getting out to pay on the parking meter before the three of them walk inside the piercing place. She watches as Isobel gets her tongue done, Luke getting his industrial done on the opposite ear to Mia's.

"You sure you don't want one?" Luke asks as Mia looks up.

"Can I get my nose done?" Mia asks, both of her friends going wide-eyed.

"Yeah 'course. Ring or Stud?" The guy asks as Mia thinks for a second.

"Ring." Mia nods as she chooses a black nose ring to match her industrial and tragus. The guy pierces her nose in less than 15 minutes, Mia not flinching like she thought she would. The guy slips the piece of jewelry into her nose before she pays, thanking him.

"Harvey's gonna love that isn't he?" Luke asks as Mia gets her phone out of her bag to check it.

"Wait, put it on your Instagram Story and don't show him yet." Luke says cunningly as Mia records a video of her new piercing before showing Luke and Isobel off. She adds it to her story after tagging her two friends, the three of them making their way back to the car so they could go back to Isobel's for dinner.

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