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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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December 21st, 2019

"Hello!" Harvey says to his phone as his fans start joining the Instagram Live, Mia stood by his side in the kitchen.

"I'm with Mia today, and if you're new or just wondering who she is, it's my girlfriend who still manages to pull off the casual look better than I do." Harvey continues as Mia laughs.

"Today we're attempting to assemble Gingerbread Houses, and we're gonna have Max rate them on a scale of 1-10. I already know I've lost because Mia got a 9 in Art so this is basically Mia outdoing me at making a gingerbread house look nice." Harvey finishes as Mia rolls her eyes.

"Just because I got a 9 in Art doesn't mean I'll win." Mia comments, watching Harvey shake his head.

"It definitely will." Harvey argues as she rolls her eyes playfully.

"Alright, let's just start." Harvey grins as the two of them unpackage their houses separately.

"Wait mines broken, no fair." Harvey whines as Mia looks at him.

"I'll swap you if you want." Mia offers kindly as he looks at her.

"Let me break one of your pieces." Harvey says as she laughs.

"Just give me the broken one and I'll give you the fixed one." Mia replies as Harvey hands her the broken wall piece, Mia giving him her fixed one. Mia begins assembling her house without any struggle whatsoever, Harvey hardly being able to open the packet of icing and ruining the base of his house accidentally. He looks over at Mia's as her back is turned to him, his hand reaching over and pushing one of the walls in so it went wonky.

"Hey, keep your hands off Mills." Mia exclaims as he laughs.

"See yours is so much better than mine already." Harvey whines as she rolls her eyes.

"Do you want some help?" Mia asks, Harvey looking at her before shaking his head.

"That's cheating."

"Then stop whining." Mia laughs as he does too. She sorts out the wonky wall on her gingerbread house before adding the roof she'd just decorated with peppermints and sprinkles. She adds some decor to the walls as Harvey struggles to put the house together, glancing at Mia's and sighing in defeat.

"I've already lost it." Harvey whines as she laughs.

"Oh, wait how've you managed to break another piece?" Mia asks as Harvey shrugs.

"Can I just give up and help you? Harvey asks as Mia looks at him.

"If you want but if you break it, I'll break your fingers." She warns as he laughs, walking over to hers as the comments say cute things about them both.

"Wait can I do something?" Harvey says as she looks at him, noticing the devious look on his face.

"What are you gonna do?" She asks and in a split second her gingerbread house had been punched straight down the middle. Mia laughs as Harvey rubs his hand, not realising how much it would hurt.

"I don't even care that you ruined it 'cause that was hilarious." Mia giggles as Harvey looks at her with a frown.

"Don't ask for my help, it was your own fault Mills." Mia warns as he gives her puppy dog eyes. She shakes her head and attempts to salvage the gingerbread house, Harvey answering a few questions on the Instagram live whilst holding his hand in pain.

"You're such a wimp." Mia laughs as her boyfriend furrows his eyebrows at her.

"She's a bully." Harvey informs his fans as Mia laughs.

"C'mere." Mia motions as he walks over to her. She squeezes his hand where the pain is, watching him make a few funny faces before she lets go.

"That hurt more!" Harvey exclaims as she laughs.

"But does it hurt now?" Mia asks as he shakes his head slowly.

"Thank you Juliet." He grins, kissing her forehead softly as the timer goes off on her phone.

"Look at my semi-ruined house." Mia says as she brings it into frame.

"See I even ruined it and it still looks better." Harvey whines as she laughs.

"Max c'mere!" Harvey calls for his twin brother as the boy walks in sorting his hair out.

"Oh my god." Max laughs as he looks at Harvey's.

"Basically what happened was, Mia gave me a dodgy piece of gingerbread and it ruined it." Harvey grins cheekily as she laughs.

"No it didn't, I gave you an unbroken piece for a broken one and you punched mine." Mia tells the truth as Max laughs.

"I like the little mess Harvey's created, very aesthetically pleasing." Max says as he goes to inspect Mia's.

"I already know she's won so just say it." Harvey says as Max laughs.

"Mia wins." Max announces as Mia smiles.

"Just like I said she would." Harvey grins as he pulls Mia into his side, signing off from the live before it ends.

"That was fun." Harvey kisses Mia softly as Max breaks off a piece of Mia's and walks off.

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