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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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April 3rd, 2020

Harvey sighs when he wakes up, looking at Mia who was still fast asleep next to him. He gently shakes her, the girl groaning as she turns her head away from him.

"You told me to wake you up Juliet, so wake up." Harvey whispers softly, the girl shaking her head in denial.

"It's too early." Mia whines as Harvey continues to poke her, the girl eventually getting sick of it. She sits up and rubs her tired eyes, her hair looking like a lion's mane gone wild.

"It's definitely too early." Mia laughs softly as she grabs a hair tie and ties her hair back.

"You'll be fine." Harvey grins cheekily as she pushes him, the boy falling out of bed.

"Well that was unnecessary." Harvey frowns as she laughs.

"Go have a shower." She scrunches her nose up as he stands up from the floor. He pecks her lips before disappearing out of his room, Mia huffing as she gets out of bed to change and get ready for the day. She wasn't doing much today, Max and Harvey were doing a 24 hour livestream so she was on her own for the rest of the day. She quickly changed and put her hair back up into a ponytail, Harvey returning from the bathroom completely dressed and ready for the day moments later.

"What are you doing today?" Harvey asks as Mia shrugs.

"Might just do something with Tilly." Mia responds as he nods. He presses a kiss to her cheek as he walks past her to get to his phone, Mia going to the bathroom to brush her teeth and think about what she can do today. She thinks for a moment as she looks at her hair, tilting her head to the side before lifting half of it up.

"Mia?" Max calls from the other side of the door making her jump. She opens the door and high-fives him like every morning before walking downstairs to the kitchen where Sara was.

"Everything okay Mia?" Sara asks as Mia nods.

"I think I'm gonna do something to my hair." Mia replies as Sara smiles.

"What are you thinking?" Sara questions, Mia playing with the ends of her hair whilst she thinks.

"I'm either thinking of dying the under half of my hair or split dying it." Mia admits, Sara nodding softly.

"I think you'd look nice with the under half dyed." Sara compliments as Mia smiles.

She and Sara sit together and eat breakfast, discussing the options of her hair before Sara suggests she take Mia to go get the dye from the shop. Mia smiles, the two of them leaving the house with Tilly, leaving the four boys alone.

"Can I do my hair mummy?" Tilly asks as Mia looks at the little girl.

"What colour would you go Bubby?" Mia asks as Tilly thinks for a second.

"Purple." Tilly grins as Mia smiles.

"What colour are you going?" Sara asks Mia as she gets up her pinterest on her phone.

"Either red, dark green or dark blue." Mia beams as the older woman nods. When they get to the supermarket, Mia grabs a dark blue hair dye for herself, Sara getting a semi-permanent Purple one for Tilly. Mia finds the bleaching kits and picks one of those up before going to pay for hers and Tilly's stuff. When they got back home, the twins were already on Instagram Live so Mia decided to take Tilly upstairs and dye her hair.

She does Tilly's hair first, using the techniques her Nana taught her when she was younger. Her Nana was a hairdresser full-time so it always meant Mia's hair was trimmed and never had split ends, and Mia carried on doing that to her own hair when she passed away because she enjoyed doing it so much. Once she'd done Tilly's hair, she split hers up and tied up the half she wasn't colouring, mixing the bleach in the bowl.

"Do it!" Tilly chants as she notices how hesitant Mia was to apply it to her hair. Mia laughs as she applies the bleach to her hair, Tilly dancing around to the music Mia had playing from her phone. Once the bleach was in, she put in the tinfoil and waited 35 minutes before rinsing it out. She does a second coat of the bleach whilst she rinses Tilly's hair out, drying her hair and putting in french plaits just as Tilly asked.

"Thank you." Tilly grins before running downstairs to show her Mum her hair. Mia rinses her hair after the second round of bleach with toning conditioner, the colour now a platinum blonde under her brown. Mia dries it with the hairdryer before going downstairs to show Sara.

"Ooo, I like the blonde." Sara smiles as she walks in.

"I think I'm gonna leave the blue for a few weeks so I don't damage my hair more." Mia admits as Sara nods.

"It's probably the best idea." Sara admits as Mia sits down beside her on the sofa.

For the next few hours, Mia and Sara sat together in the living room with Tilly, Leo and Paul, watching movies and eventually having dinner before it got dark. Once it hit 11 PM, Mia went upstairs to Harvey's room to go to sleep considering she was exhausted herself. She fell asleep after 25 minutes on her phone, the girl feeling a little alone considering Harvey wasn't there. When she woke up the next morning, her hair looked like a lions mane again and her body was cold to touch. She threw on a pair of fluffy joggers and one of Harvey's hoodies, opting to scroll through her phone to wake herself up properly.

After she's woken up, she goes downstairs for breakfast, going back upstairs to shower and get ready for the day. She throws back on the same outfit she was wearing when she got up, going to Tilly's room to chill with her whilst she waits around for her boyfriend to finish.

"I think they're done." Tilly says as the two of them leave her room in search for the twins. Tilly goes downstairs to see if they were there whilst Mia went upstairs to see her boyfriend going into his room. He does a double take when he looks at her, noticing her the blonde in her hair almost instantly.

"Wow you look great." Harvey says tiredly as she smiles.

"Tired?" Mia asks, the boy pulling her into his room by her wrist. He wraps his arms around her waist, nodding into her shoulder softly before she kisses his cheek and tells him to get into bed.

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