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Mia's Outfit

Mia's Outfit

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December 25th, 2018

Mia wakes up with a smile on her face after she realises it's her 16th Birthday. She makes her way downstairs to see if anyone was home, being met with a note that said her father had gone to France late last night for work. She sighs, taking the envelope and opening it to see money from her father for her Birthday and Christmas present. She frowns, throwing the envelope onto the kitchen counter before going back upstairs. She knew her father always worked, but he never worked on her birthday or Christmas, so this shows her that he doesn't really care for her like he claims he does.

Mia's phone starts ringing around 12 PM, her tired body sitting up and picking up the phone, answering without looing at the caller ID.

"Hi." Mia says in a monotone voice as she hears Max scream in the background, notifying her that it was Harvey who had called her.

"Hey, are you alright?" Harvey says as Mia rubs her tired eyes.

"Yeah. I accidentally fell back to sleep." Mia laughs softly as Harvey smiles on the other end of the line.

"How's your Christmas been so far then?" Harvey asks as Mia yawns before continuing.

"Nothing's happened, my dad left me a note that said he went to France last night which means I'm home alone." Mia says which causes Harvey to frown.

"One second." Harvey says, scurrying downstairs and leaving his phone on his bed.

"Mum, Mum, Mum." Harvey says as Sara looks at her son.

"What's up Harv?" Sara asks as Harvey looks at Max briefly.

"Can Mia come round? She's home alone." Harvey says as Sara frowns.

"Of course she can, no one should be alone on Christmas." Sara says as he thanks her before running back upstairs to hear Mia humming a song to herself.

"Miaaaa." Harvey says as Mia goes quiet.

"Yeah?" Mia responds as he smiles to himself.

"You can come over today if you want." Harvey says, causing Mia to smile.

"Are you sure?" Mia queries as he hums.

"Mum said you can so, plus I think we all secretly want you here." Harvey says as she laughs.

"Alright, I'll be over soon." Mia responds as Harvey grins to himself.

"Alright, see you soon." Harvey replies before she ends the call. She sits up again, debating whether or not to change out of the jumper and joggers she was wearing before deciding she was too lazy. She brushes through her hair and ties half of it up, putting in a pair of earrings before grabbing her phone and her house keys. She gets her coat on, checking everything in the house was turned off before leaving and locking up behind her. She makes her way to the Mills' household, barely even touching the door when it swings open to reveal the entire family.

"Happy Birthday!" Tilly squeals as she hugs her. The entire family look at each other like they'd just seen ghosts, feeling a little bad that they'd forgotten today was also her birthday.

"Thank you Ava." Mia smiles, kissing the girls forehead before Tilly drags her inside.

"Merry Christmas, I didn't know it was your birthday." Sara says as Mia shrugs.

"It's fine, it's not a huge deal." Mia responds as Max hugs her.

"I remembered, don't worry." Max says as she laughs.

"I think my own Dad forgot, I usually just mix it with Christmas 'cause I forget myself sometimes." Mia says as Max smiles.

"I think your birthday present from us is for you to tell us your middle name." Harvey says as everyone sits in the living room.

"You want me to tell you my middle name as my own birthday present?" Mia says as he nods aggressively.

"Oh my you're gonna get a headache, stop it." Mia says as she stops his head from shaking. Harvey laughs as he stops, going a little dizzy as Mia pulls her sleeves over her hands.

"Thank you for having me by the way." Mia says to Sara and Paul as they smile.

"It's not a problem, Millie, no one should be alone for Christmas." Paul responds as Mia's phone buzzes in her pocket. She checks it, turning it off after she saw that her Dad had messaged her about forgetting her own birthday.

"Tell me your middle name." Harvey says as she shakes her head softly.

"Not a chance Mills." Mia responds as he frowns, giving her his best puppy dog face.

"No, stop it." Mia says as carries on, hoping she'd give in.

"Alright fine, my middle name is Noelle." Mia says as Harvey smiles.

"Amelia Noelle Parkinson, sounds pretty." Harvey debated as Mia rolls her eyes.

"It's awful, the only reason it's my middle name is because I was born on Christmas." Mia reasoned, watching him shake his head.

"It's pretty, trust me." Harvey responds as Max pretends to be sick.

"Harvey you're meant to leave Romeo at school." Max says as Sara and Paul laugh. Harvey goes red as Mia joins in, enjoying annoying him just like he annoys her.

"Even Mia laughed, Harv, that must mean something." Paul says as Harvey rolls his eyes.

"I don't appreciate being bullied." Harvey says as Mia ruffles his hair.

"Get used to it Harv, I will never stop bullying you." Mia winks as Sara smiles before Mia's phone starts ringing. Mia excuses herself as she answers the call from her Dad, Sara looking at her family in front of her.

"I like this girl." Sara says as Harvey smiles.

"I'm being serious boys, if either of you ever hurt her I'll be so mad. She's practically one of our own already." Sara continues as the two boys nod.

"Trust me, neither of us want her to go either." Max responds as their parents smile, Mia walking back in seconds later.

"Everything okay?" Paul asks as she nods.

"Just my Mum and Step-Dad saying Happy Birthday." Mia grins as they both nod.

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